
Depends on OAuth2 Authenticator
The library should be available on the jug-montpellier nexus. Please contact jug-leaders-montpellier@googlegroups.com if there is problem with this library.



The application will be build using environments variables.
Please refer to the parent pom to see the list of available configurations.

Maven profile dev

A posgresql local database named "jug" must be accessible for user jug / jug
The database will be build by project montpellier-jug-database and will generate the structure of the tables.

## Mvn installation

You need to run this app with java 8!

Build and run the application :

> mvn install
> cd montpellier-jug-wisdom
> mvn wisdom:run

Then open http://localhost:9000/

Database is migrated on each build
To clean the database use the profile cleandb.

> mvn clean install -Pcleandb

⚠️ Warning : Be sure to target a development database before cleaning it ⚠️