
CS 3083 Project

Primary LanguagePython


CS 3083 Intro to Databases Project

Maxwell Reddy mcr517
Lucas Pollice lp1935
Khoa Nguyen kdn263
Andrew Hu ah4358

Live demo: https://pricosha.drew.hu

API: https://pricoshaapi.drew.hu


  • Login
  • Post content items
  • view content items that are public or that are shared with FriendGroups to which they belong
  • propose to tag content items with e-mails of other users, provided the content items are visible to both the user (the tagger) and the person being tagged (the taggee)
  • manage tag proposals

Test accounds

email name password
AA@nyu.edu Ann Anderson AA
AA2@nyu.edu Ann Anderson AA2

Install dependencies

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip -y


Using Flask for webapp and Flask-MySQL for sql

git clone https://github.com/pricoshadb/pricosha.git
cd pricosha/
pip install flask pymysql 
export FLASK_APP=app.py
flask run

deploy to gunicorn

pip install gunicorn