Webhook register

Simple Python webapp that register webhooks.


  • API: Python web service, using Falcon framework.
  • Storage: Redis, using redis-py as python redis library.



  1. User send POST request to API with arguments
  2. API receive requests, generate unique UUID (or simple hash) for the request
  3. API stores in Redis a JSON object that uses the generated hash as key, and store the user request's arguments as the value
  4. API returns JSON message to the user:
  • SUCCESS: returns code 200, including the hash as the hook ID;
  • ERROR: returns code 500, including error message

Get all hooks

  1. User sends GET request to API
  2. API queries Redis and retrieve all the webhook keys
  3. API returns JSON message to the user:
  • SUCCESS: 200 + array of webhook keys
  • ERROR: 500 + error message

Get single hook

  1. User sends GET request to API, including webhook key
  2. API queries Redis and retrieve value associated to the provided webhook key
  3. API returns JSON message to the user:
  • SUCCESS: 200 + content of the key
  • ERROR: 404 + webhook ID not found
  • ERROR: 500 + error message

Trigger hook

  1. User sends POST request to API, including webhook key in the URL
  2. API queries Redis and retrieve value associated to the provided webhook key
  3. API print on the console the content of the redis value previously fetched
  4. API returns JSON message to the user:
  • SUCCESS: 201 + "web hook triggered"
  • ERROR: 404 + webhook ID not found
  • ERROR: 500 + error message


  • Prepare simple falcon HTTP service
  • register POST / GET routes - URL to be defined, for ex.:
    • POST http://localhost:8000/webhook - create hook
    • GET http://localhost:8000/webhook - get all hooks list
    • GET http://localhost:8000/webhook/{id} - get hook ID content
    • POST http://localhost:8000/webhook/{id} - trigger hook ID
  • define proper format of the arguments
  • establish connection to Redis to get / set / list the keys
  • create logic to generate the key ID (hash / UUID)


  • Fully documented code
  • Documentation if required to explain complex logic
  • Documentation on how to run
  • Config file to define (at least): HTTP listening address/port, Redis host/port
  • Ensure the messages are saved and loaded as JSON in Redis


  • Use setup.py to allow installation via pip