
CodinGame is a challenge-based training platform for programmers where you can improve your coding skills with fun exercises

Primary LanguageC++


My profile

1 - Contest Local Tester

Brutal tester

git clone git@github.com:dreignier/cg-brutaltester.git
cd cg-brutaltester
mvn package && mv target/cg-brutaltester-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ../cg-brutaltester.jar


Clone and compile a compatible referee (or make your own)

Eg for SpringChallenge2023's referee:

git clone git@github.com:aangairbender/SpringChallenge2023-brutaltester.git
cd SpringChallenge2023-brutaltester
mvn package && mv target/spring-2023-ants-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ../referee.jar

Use the brutal tester

java -jar cg-brutaltester.jar -t 5 -n 100 -l logs \
 -r "java -jar <path_to_referee>" \
 -p1 <cmd_p1> -p2 <cmd_p2>

Possible px commands:

  • -p1 "./mycode.exe"
  • -p1 "g++ -std=c++17 mycode.cpp -o mycode.exe && ./mycode.exe"
  • -p1 "python3 mycode.py"

This repo contains some of my solutions

Easy Puzzles - 35 puzzles done

From CodinGame - 10 / 10
No. Puzzle State Solution Topic(s)
1 Onboarding ✔️ Completed All languages Conditions
2 Mars Lander - Episode 1 ✔️ Completed C++, C#, Python3 Conditions
3 Power of Thor - Episode 1 ✔️ Completed C++, C#, Clojure, Python3, Ruby Conditions
4 Horse-Racing Duals ✔️ Completed C++, C#, Bash Loops
5 Defibrillators ✔️ Completed C++, C# Loops, Distances, Trigonometry
6 The Descent ✔️ Completed C++ Loops
7 Temperatures ✔️ Completed C++ Arrays, Loops, Conditions
8 Chuck Norris ✔️ Completed C++ Strings, Encoding, Loops, Conditions
9 ASCII Art ✔️ Completed C++ Strings, Arrays, Loops
10 MIME Type ✔️ Completed C++ Strings, Hash tables, Loops, Conditions
From the Community - 25 done
No. Puzzle Solution Topic(s)
1 Pirate's Treasure C++ Arrays, Loops, Conditions
2 Asteroids C++ -
3 Create the Longest Sequence of 1s C++ String manipulation
4 Prefix Code C++ Tries, String manipulation
5 Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock C++ Arrays, Conditions
6 Detective Pikaptcha - EP1 C# Maze
7 Detective Pikaptcha - EP2 C# Simulation, Maze
8 Van Eck's Sequence C# Memoization
9 1D Bush Fire C# -
10 TicTacToe C# Conditions, Simulation, 2D array, String manipulation
11 Ghost Legs C#, Python3 Loops, Conditions, ASCII art
12 Brackets, Extreme Edition. Python3 -
13 Unit Fractions Python3 Numbers theory, Data types
14 Self-Driving Car Testing Python3 Ascii art
15 Credit Card Verifier (Luhn’s Algorithm) Python3 Check-digit
16 Rectangle Partition Python3 Arrays, Loops
17 The River I. Python3 Conditions
18 Sudoku Validator Python3 Conditions, 2D array
19 Dungeons and Maps Python3 String, Pathfinding, Loops, 2D array
20 Bank Robbers Python3 Loops, Mathematics
21 A Child's Play Python3
22 Graffiti on the Fence Python3 Intervals
23 Lumen Python3 Loops, 2D array
24 Encryption/Decryption of Enigma Machine Python3 String, Encoding, Cryptography, String manipulation
25 1D Spreadsheet Python3 Memoization, Lazy Evaluator, Dependency graph

Medium Puzzles - 23 puzzles done

From CodinGame - 17 / 17
No. Puzzle State Solution Topic(s)
1 Mars Lander - Episode 2 ✔️ Completed C++ Distances, Trigonometry
2 The Last Crusade - Episode 1 ✔️ Completed C++ Conditions
3 There is no Spoon - Episode 1 ✔️ Completed C++ Lists
4 Aneo Sponsored Puzzle ✔️ Completed C++ Loops, Intervals, Arithmetics, Mathematics
5 Don't Panic - Episode 1 ✔️ Completed C++ Conditions
6 Bender - Episode 1 ✔️ Completed C++ State machine, Simulation
7 Network Cabling ✔️ Completed C++ Loops, Distances, Medians
8 The Gift ✔️ Completed C++ Greedy algorithms
9 Shadows of the Night - Episode 1 ✔️ Completed C++ Binary search, Intervals
10 Dwarfs Standing on the Shoulders of Giants ✔️ Completed C++ Memoization, Recursion, Graphs
11 War ✔️ Completed C++ Queues
12 Skynet Revolution - Episode 1 ✔️ Completed Python3 BFS, Graphs
13 Stock Exchange Losses ✔️ Completed Python3 Array, Loops, Conditions
14 Mayan Calculation ✔️ Completed C# Strings, Radix
15 Scrabble ✔️ Completed C# Loops, Conditions
16 Conway Sequence ✔️ Completed C# Sequences
17 Telephone Numbers ✔️ Completed C# Set - Tries
From the Community - 6 done
No. Puzzle Solution Topic(s)
1 Dynamic Sorting Python3 Sorting, String manipulation
2 Fair Numbering Python3 Intervals, Digit counts
3 The Lost Child - Episode 1 Python3 Pathfinding, BFS, 2D array
4 Brackets, Extended Edition Python3 Loops, Conditions
5 Huffman Code C++ Greedy algorithms, Compression, Trees
6 Futoshiki Solver C++ Backtracking

Hard Puzzles - 21 puzzles done

From CodinGame - 17 / 17
No. Puzzle State Solution Topic(s)
1 Vox Codei - Episode 1 ✔️ Completed C++ DFS, Brute-force, Simulation
2 There is no spoon - Episode 2 ✔️ Completed C++ Backtracking, Recursion
3 CGX Formatter ✔️ Completed C++ Strings Parsing
4 TAN Network ✔️ Completed C++ Pathfinding, Graphs, Distances, Trigonometry
5 The Labyrinth ✔️ Completed C++ Pathfinding, BFS
6 The last Crusade - Episode 2 ✔️ Completed C++ Pathfinding, Backtracking
7 Surface ✔️ Completed C++ Flood fill, Memoization, BFS, Recursion
8 Don't Panic - Episode 2 ✔️ Completed C++ Pathfinding
9 Bender - Episode 2 ✔️ Completed C++ Pathfinding, Memoization, Dynamic programming, Recursion
10 Bender - Episode 3 ✔️ Completed C++ Regression analysis
11 Winamax Sponsored Contest ✔️ Completed C++ Backtracking, Recursion
12 Roller Coaster ✔️ Completed C++, Clojure Dynamic programming, Simulation
13 Power of Thor - Episode 2 ✔️ Completed Python3 Pathfinding, Barycenters
14 Genome Sequencing ✔️ Completed Python3 Strings, Permutations
15 Super Computer ✔️ Completed Python3 Greedy algorithms, Scheduling
16 Skynet Revolution - Episode 2 ✔️ Completed Python3 Pathfinding, Graphs
17 The Bridge - Episode 2 ✔️ Completed Python 3 Backtracking, DFS
From the Community - 4 done
No. Puzzle Solution Topic(s)
1 Chess Board Analyser C++ Loops, Strings, 2D array, Chess
2 Binary neural network - Part 1 C++ Neural network
3 Encounter surface Python3 Mathematics, Geometry
4 Divisibility of Fibonacci Numbers Sum Python3 Recursion, Loops, Arithmetic, Modular calculus

Very Hard Puzzles - 6 puzzles done

From CodinGame - 5 / 7
No. Puzzle State Solution Topic(s)
1 The Last Crusade - Episode 3 ✔️ Completed C++ Pathfinding, Backtracking
2 The Resistance ✔️ Completed C++ Memoization, Dynamic programming, Recursion, Encoding
3 Mars Lander - Episode 3 ✔️ Completed C++ Genetic algorithm, Distance, Trigonometry
4 Music scores ✔️ Completed Python3 Image processing, Pattern recognition, Encoding
5 Shadows Of The Knight - Episode 2 ✔️ Completed Python3 Binary search, Intervals
6 Vox Codei - Episode 2 ❌ Not Completed - Pattern recognition, DFS, Brute-force, Simulation
7 Nintendo ❌ Not Completed - Cryptography
From the Community - 1 done
No. Puzzle Solution Topic(s)
1 Binary neural network - Part 2 C++ Neural network