
Variety of projects/app that uses OpenCV

Primary LanguagePython

OpenCV fun apps

This repo contains small projects/app that uses OpenCV.

A - Python


import dlib
import cv2
import sys
import numpy as np



Creates an ASCII art from the webcam images and display it into the console.

How-to launch

> python asciiArt.py

Object Detection and tracking


Detect and track a sport ball in a video. YoloV3 is used for detection and the trackerTLD for the tracking.

The interface allows to force the sport ball redection to have a better accuracy.

How-to launch

> python detectionAndTracking.py

Smile detection and bug eye


Compute facial landmarks detector then:

  • Change the eyes so that they are way bigger - Bug eye ;
  • Detect if the detected face is smiling or not.

How-to launch

> python funFaces.py

B - C++

Blemish Removal


Removing blemish by clicking on it.

How-to compile and run using CMake

  1. If not done yet, install OpenCV
  2. Modify the CMakelist
  3. Compile:
> cd blemishRemoval
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..
> cmake --build . --config release
  1. Execute:
> cd blemishRemoval
> ./build/release/blemishRemoval.exe

Chroma Keying


Removing green background by selecting it.

How-to compile and run using CMake

  1. If not done yet, install OpenCV
  2. Modify the CMakelist
  3. Compile:
> cd chromaKeying
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..
> cmake --build . --config release
  1. Execute:
> cd chromaKeying
> ./build/release/chromaKeying.exe