
Godel 2 benchmark script and example code

Primary LanguageGo


Godel 2 benchmark script and example code.

How to run

Running the examples for testing

To run the artifact test for the companion paper, install the Docker image (see the main Godel2 repository), and run the run.sh script. the script will run the main examples, and ask you whether to continue before running the 5-participant dining philosophers with channels example (those take hours to complete).

The expected execution time before that prompt is under 20 minutes.

Alternatively, you can run the examples individually with the Docker-ready versions of migoinfer and Godel as explained in the main Godel2 repository, or with your own compiled versions of the programs.

Running the benchmark for timings

To run the benchmark for timings, place your own compiled versions of the Godel and migoinfer executables in the working directory, and run the benchmark.sh script. Runs on Linux, the timings are written in timings.csv at the end of each batch of marking. This could take hours (because of the two dine5-chan-* examples), and is not intended to be used for artifact testing.

Below is a brief description of each example in this repository along with the expected output.

Output Propositions:

  • Finite control: expected to be true for all our examples here. This means the program does not spawn an unbounded number of threads with nested calls using the go keyword. A program which is not finite control will not be analysed for other properties, as mCRL2 is unable to generate a linear process specification for those.
  • No terminal state: is true when the program has no terminal state, meaning it would run continuously if given no time constraints (e.g. in the Dining Philosophers examples, remove the Sleep line and make the final function call synchronous by removing its go keyword).
  • No cycle: is true if the program doesn't present an infinite cycle.
  • No global deadlock: is true if the program doesn't reach a global deadlock during normal execution. The final state, if it exists, does not count as a global deadlock.
  • Liveness: is true if the program is "live" according to the definition of liveness in our paper, which includes both eventual synchronisation over channels and eventual locking of Mutex locks.
  • Safety: is true if the program is "safe" according to the definition of safety in our paper, which includes not trying to send a message on a closed channel, and not trying to Unlock — resp. RUnlock — a Mutex — resp RWmutex — that is not already locked via a Lock — resp RLock — call.
  • Data race free: is true if the program does not present a data race over a shared variable. This is another form of safety, but we separate it from the former one as it does not cause a Go program to halt with an error, unlike the previous two forms of safety analysed by the "Safety" property.
  • Eventual reception: is true if messages in a buffered channel are eventually received, without dropping messages at the end of the program. We do not present examples in which it is false here, and expect it to be always true. This includes channels that are closed before being emptied, as we can still receive the previously queued messages before starting to receive the default value on a closed asynchronous channel.

Description of the examples


A simple program presenting no race, as nothing runs concurrently – calls to the Writer process miss the go keyword, so they are run as part of the main function instead of as separate threads.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
False True True True True True


A variation of the previous program, running the Writer calls in separate threads using the go keyword, and using Mutex locks to ensure exclusive access to x and y between the Writer instances and main.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
False True True True True True


The same program as before, but missing the Unlock call at the end of the Writer function, resulting in a deadlock if this function acquires the lock on either m1 or m2 before main does.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
False True False False True True


A variation on the previous programs, with only one variable and one call to Writer, without Mutex lock, leading to a data race on shared variable x. As benign as this race is, it is one of the simplest examples one can imagine.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
False True True True True False


A variation on the previous program, with an added Mutex lock to make it safe. That makes it a simpler version of no-race-mut, and is present for good measure as a comparison against simple-race.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
False True True True True True


A program inspired by the "bank deposit" example of the Go textbook, that may under bad scheduling drop completely the increase of 200 to the balance in the first parallel goroutine and print Balance: 100. This is what inspires the running example of our paper, working in the same spirit and having the same "bad" effect upon triggering the race.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
False True True True True False


An example of a possible fix to the previous program, where the lock is massed to the Deposit helper function and used to secure access to the shared balance variable.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
False True True True True True


A program that uses an asynchronous channel as a lock, but mistakenly puts the channel buffer size as 2 which allows for the 2 senders supposed to protect the shared memory accesses to happen together, instead of having one of them wait for the receiver of the currently running access to unlock the channel.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
False True True True True False


Fixes the previous program by putting the channel size to 1, making the send commands to correctly block until the channel is empty.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
False True True True True True


Shows how one could intend to use channels as locks, with correct buffer size, but mistakenly inverts the receive and send actions, rendering the program inefficient as it would immediately deadlock — there is nothing to receive from an empty, open channel.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
False True False False True True


A naive implementation of a producers-consumer situation, where the producers each give out a limited amount of resources, and the consumer takes all of them in the order they arrive and consumes them. In this case, the resources are all placed in the same shared variable (and taken from it), but the Producer helper function does not use the Mutex lock to protect its writes. In turn, those writes can clash with those of other producers using the same variable, and even with the — correctly protected — read accesses of the Consumer helper function.

Note the use of channels here as signals for the main function to know when the Producer functions have reached the end of their production.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
True False True True True False


An example of a possible fix to the previous program, enclosing all accesses to x in the Producer helper function under the same lock of the shared Mutex lock.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
True False True True True True


An implementation of the Dining Philosophers problem with only shared memory and locks. The dining philosopher's problem implies at least two participants and has them share the same number of forks as participants, each one trying to grab both forks on their left and right to eat, before releasing both for others to use.

This version has 5 participants, and uses the locks as forks, but inadvertently inverts the Lock and Unlock calls for the first lock in the phil function, making the program immediately stop and error as it is an unsafe access.

The integers shared by the phil routines and increased upon access to the forks are used to show how we can protect such shared accesses from each other to avoid a potential race, though in this wrong version of the program they do not manage to be used.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
False True False True False True


A variation of the former program, correctly locking each lock before unlocking them — thus reverting the mistake of the previous example. However, in this version, because each philosopher tries to get a grip of the left fork first and right fork second, a bad scheduling can deadlock the program, as each phil with id i would manage to grab fork i+1 but fail to grab the other fork (already taken by an other phil instance).

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
False False False False True True


The known fix to the above lock, which is to invert the order of the forks for one of the phil routines. Here we invert forks 5 and 1 for the last phil call, making it be in concurrency for fork 1 with phil "0" to get it as the first fork, and leaving fork 5 free if it doesn't manage to get fork 1, so phil "3" can get it and finish its round.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
True False True True True True


A channel-based implementation of the Dining Philosophers problem with N=3 or 5 participants, using synchronous channels as locks, where the Fork helper should manage the channel to lock access to it when in use by a phil routine. The problem here is the accesses to the shared fork variables at the same time for sending the value in phil and for setting it in Fork, creating potential races (even if benign).

This program uses select constructs with channels. This makes the version with 5 participants long to analyse with our framework as it creates a lot of branches to explore in the associated linear process specification in mCRL2. Do not run the 5-participant version unless you have a powerful machine and are ready for it to compute for several hours. The 3-participant version is a downscaled version added for convenience. It should run within a few minutes at most, and is given for reference as a way to test the protocol on less powerful machines within reasonable time.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
True False True True True False


A fix for the previous program, consisting in simply inverting all the channel send and receives, making sure the phil routines do not try to read the shared fork at the same time as the Fork routines set them.

This program uses select constructs with channels. This makes the version with 5 participants long to analyse with our framework as it creates a lot of branches to explore in the associated linear process specification in mCRL2. Do not run the 5-participant version unless you have a powerful machine and are ready for it to compute for several hours. The 3-participant version is a downscaled version added for convenience. It should run within a few minutes at most, and is given for reference as a way to test the protocol on less powerful machines within reasonable time.

No Terminal State No Cycle No Global Deadlock Liveness Safety Data Race Free
True False True True True True


A simple loop example added to the request of a reviewer, it puts actions after the loops to handle an edge case of the cleanup process that is done as part of migoinfer's inference process. This is mainly to show what happens when there's a (non-trivial) loop when checking for termination (Godel -T <cgo file>).