
Simple C# api for CpS301 project of a church service.

Primary LanguageC#

CPS 301 - Intro to DBMS - Project App Dev II

Web-app for Church Service Order Documennts


Visual Studio 2017 and .NET Core 2.0. and MySql Server installed with wsoapp as a database. Ensure that your app.config has the appropriate connection string for the wsoapp MySQL DB which can be found in the appSettings.json file.


Clone the repository with git clone https://github.com/JulCesWhat/CpS301_API.git. Go inside the fodler and open sln file with Visual Studio 2017.


Run the program will add the needed pakcages and then navigate to localhost:9090 in development.

App is on the Cloud

Open the browser and type http://cps301-api.cesarwhatley.com/api/Services.


Cesar Whatley Juan Alvarado Adoni Hernandez