
A greenhouse is build based on calculations regarding the thermal processes. A configuration tool is used to define the dimensions. Temperature and irradiance data measured over a period of three weeks is compared to the calculated values. The resulting plots of measured vs. calculated temperatures show similar behaviour, but deviations in the greenhouse temperature peaks, e.g. due to constructive differences and simplified thermal processes. The interactive configurator is published as an open source tool and the greenhouse is built with sustainable components.

Fig. 1: Greenhouse

Motivation & Goals

  • Extended growing period for vegetable plants in Germany
  • Low budget components
  • Low impact materials
  • Solar energy driven
  • Configurator tool for easy reconstruction based on a thermal model

Thermal Model

Fig.2: Heat transfer mechanisms Fig.3: Thermal Network

Interactive jupyter notebook

Fig.4: Flow Chart

Fig.5: User Interface of the configurator

Evaluation & Conclusion

Fig.6: Measured data vs. calculated values

Deviations between model and measurement due to

  • Constructive differences (e.g. geometry, material parameters)
  • Neglected / uncertain thermal processes (e.g. thermal mass of construction material, ventilation number)
  • Approximated irradiance measurement
