GEOS CTM Regression Testing

Jules Kouatchou (
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 606, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA


We describe procedures to perform GEOS CTM regression test.


The GEOS CTM regression tool is a set of python scripts and configuration files designed to automatically obtain, compile and run GEOS CTM. The tool functionality is driven by the settings specified in a single configuration file.

The configuration file is a text file with a particular structure readable by Python scripts and easily understood. The file is organized into sections, and each section contains name-value pairs for configuration data. The file can have any name but must have the .yaml extension. The entries in the YAML file are described in the next section.

The tool does three basic operations:
  • Initialize: Read the configuration file, obtain the code(s), compile the code(s), register the experiments to be performed and create a directory tree.
  • Run: Carry out the experiments and do the necessary comparisons.
  • Finalize: Write a summary report and electronically send it to the user.

It can perform three types of experiments:

  • Verification Test: We only want make sure that the code (under any Chemistry option) can run.
  • 1+1=2 Test: We select a Chemistry option (not including GMI) and do the following: (1) run for one day to create a restart file; (2) run for another day using the restart file from (1); (3) do a two-day run with the same initial condition as (1). We want to verify that the outputs at the end of (2) is the same as that of (3).
  • Baseline Test: Compare the results (from any Chemistry option) of the new tag against that of a baseline tag. The user has the option of either providing a baseline tag name (the tool will then obtain, compile and run with the baseline tag) or an existing directory containing previously generated results.
    There two options for comparing the ressults of the two runs (after one day of integration):
    • Option 1: All the tracers in a user provided colection are compared (should be identical up to a tolerance).
    • Option 2: The user provide a collection and a list of tracers of interest. The tool will verify if each tracer (on the list) from the new tag does not differ by more tnan $10%$ (this treshold can be modified) from the corresponding baseline tracer.

Note that users can choose (through the configuration file) as many experiments they want to carry out.

Description of the Configuration File

The regression testing configuration contains at least two sections:




The section USERCONFIG: contains various settings that are commonly changed by a user. The appears in name-value pairs as:

    var_name: value

The list of variables are:

repo_type:       Type of repository (cvs, git)
repo_url:        url to the repository
new_tag:         Name of the code tag we want to test
baseline_tag:    Name of the baseline tag we want to compare against
repo_module:     Module name you want to check out (GEOSctm, GEOSagcm, etc.)
model_type:      Type of model (CTM, AGCM, etc.)
repo_user_id:    User ID for the repository

baseline_dir:    Location of the GEOS CTM output files.
                 This is only necessary if you do a baseline test
                 experiment and baseline_tag is not provided.

parallel_build:  Do you want a parallel build? (yes or no)

sponsor_id:      Sponsor ID required by SLURM
mail_to:         Email address where to mail the regression test report
use_html:        Set to yes/no to determine if the report should an HTML format

scratch_dir:     Directory where all the work will be done
clean_scratch:   Do you want to clean scratch_dir? (yes or no)

ref_year:        Starting year of the experiment (default is 2010)
ref_month:       Starting month of the experiment (default is 1)
ref_day:         Starting day of the experiment (default is 1)
ref_hour:        Starting hour of the experiment (default is 0)
ref_min:         Starting minute of the experiment (default is 0)
ref_sec:         Starting second of the experiment (default is 0)


The following is a the list of variables needed for setting an experiment:

one_plus_one:    Are you doing the 1+1=2 test? (yes or no)
baseline_test:   Are you doing the basline test? (yes or no)
                 Note that one_plus_one and baseline_test cannot
                 be both yes
collection:      Name of the target collection in HISTORY.rc
                 if either one_plus_one or baseline_test is yes.
field_names:     List of tracers of interest if doing a baseline test

exp_duration:    Duration (in days) of the experiment in case
                 you are doing a verification run only.
                 The default value is 1.

---> Setting for ctm_setup
exp_desc:        Experiment description
exp_klone:       Are you cloning the experiment? (FALSE or TRUE)
exp_hor_res:     Model resolution (c48, c90, etc.)
exp_lev:         Number of vertical levels (72)
exp_chem:        Chemistry type (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
                 1:TR, 2:GOCART, 3:GMI,
                 4:GEOS-Chem, 5:Idealized Passive Tracers
exp_emission:    Emission files needed for GOCART
                 (MERRA2, PIESA, etc.)
exp_aero:        AEROsols provider for GMI (1: GOCART, 2: GMICHEM)
exp_met:         Driving datasets (MERRA2, MERRA1, FPIT)
exp_hst:         HISTORY.rc file template (HISTORY.GEOSCTM.rc.tmpl)

The appendix contains sample configuration settings.

Desecription of Python Scripts

All the scripts are written in Python and use the following main modules:

  • logging
  • subprocess
  • yaml
  • Numpy: needed to compare two netCDF files.
  • netCDF4: needed to compare two netCDF files.

The regression tool contains the files:           : A class with functionalities to obtain,
                             compile and run the GEOS CTM code : Regression script driver
shared/    : Utility functions to perform general tasks
shared/    : Utilily functions to get the code from repository
shared/    : Utility functions for comparing files
shared/     : Utility functions for configuration operation
shared/            : Utility functions for GEOS specific tasks

Performing Regression Test

To run the scripts, specify the configuration file name as an argument to

     python yaml_config_file

Note that the configuration file extension is not required. It is expected that the file yaml_config_file.yaml exists. Upon execution the user will see some messages echoed to STDOUT but all the output will be logged to a file named yaml_config_file.LOG.

When all the tasks are completed, an email test report will be emailed to the recipient specified in the mail_to field in USERCONFIG.


Sample Setting for USERCONFIG


   # ---> Test report message (One sentence, no quotes)
   message: Regression testing of GEOS CTM code base

   # User information
   # ---> sponsor ID required by SLURM
   sponsor_id: s1043
   # ---> Where to mail tests report
   use_html: yes

   # Repository information
   repo_module: GEOSctm
   model_type: CTM

   # ---> Git repository
   EXTERN: null

   # ---> User ID
   repo_user_id: jkouatch

   # Compilation type
   parallel_build: yes
   serial_build: no
   debug_build: no

   # New tag and Baseline information
   # ---> New tag name we want to test
   new_tag_repo_type: git
   new_tag: v10.19.0-CTM
   new_tag_using_mepo: yes

   # ---> Baseline tag name that served as refence
   baseline_tag_repo_type: cvs
   baseline_tag_repo_url: progressdirect:/cvsroot/esma
   baseline_tag_using_mepo: no
   baseline_tag: Icarus-3_2_p9_CTM_MEM_16-r3-SLES12

   # Location of GEOS CTM output baseline files if you do not provide a baseline tag.
   # This setting is only important if you are doing a baseline test.
   # Do not change unless you have baseline files in that location.
   #baseline_dir :  /discover/nobackup/jkouatch/regressionScripts

   # Where to do the work
   # ---> Filesystem where we are doing all the work.
   #      If it does not exist, it will be created.
   scratch_dir: /discover/nobackup/jkouatch/regressionScripts/testDIR
   # ---> Clean the regression testing scratch space (under scratchdir)
   clean_scratch: yes
   # Update baseline_dir with new model answers (change to yes when your code is ready)
   #update_base: no

   # Start date/time
   ref_year: 2011
   ref_month: 1
   ref_day: 1
   ref_hour: 0
   ref_min: 0
   ref_sec: 0

   # Tolerance for comparing two fields
   tolerance_field: 1.0e-01       # used to compare one variable  in two files
   tolerance_file: 1.0e-05        # used to compare all variables in two files

Sample Settings for Experiments

Idealized Passive Tracer Configuration

   # ---> Do we do the one plus one equal two experiment?
   one_plus_one: no
   baseline_test: no
   collection: idealPT
   exp_duration: 10
   # Settings needed for running the ctm_setup script
   exp_id: idealPT
   exp_desc: Test Idealized Passive Tracers
   exp_klone: FALSE
   exp_hor_res: c90
   exp_lev: 72
   exp_chem: 5
   exp_emission: MERRA2
   exp_aero: 1
   exp_met: MERRA2
   exp_hst: HISTORY.GEOSCTM.rc.tmpl

TR Configuration

   # ---> Do we do the one plus one equal two experiment?
   one_plus_one: yes
   baseline_test: no
   collection: pTracerTR

   # Settings needed for running the ctm_setup script
   exp_id: pTracerTR
   exp_desc: Test Passive Tracers
   exp_klone: FALSE
   exp_hor_res: c90
   exp_lev: 72
   exp_chem: 1
   exp_emission: MERRA2
   exp_aero: 1
   exp_met: MERRA2
   exp_hst: HISTORY.GEOSCTM.rc.tmpl

GOCART Configuration

   # ---> Do we do the one plus one equal two experiment?
   one_plus_one: no
   baseline_test: yes
   collection: tavg2d_aer_x
   exp_duration: 2
   # Settings needed for running the ctm_setup script
   exp_id: testGOCART
   exp_desc: Test GOCART Tracers
   exp_klone: FALSE
   exp_hor_res: c90
   exp_lev: 72
   exp_chem: 2
   exp_emission: MERRA2
   exp_aero: 1
   exp_met: MERRA2
   exp_hst: HISTORY.GEOSCTM.rc.tmpl

GMI Configuration

   ## ---> Do we do the one plus one equal two experiment?
   one_plus_one: no
   baseline_test: yes
   collection: gmi_inst
   field_names: ["O3", "CO", "NO"]
   exp_duration: 2
   # Settings needed for running the ctm_setup script
   exp_id: testGMI
   exp_desc: Test GMI
   exp_klone: FALSE
   exp_hor_res: c90
   exp_lev: 72
   exp_hydro: TRUE
   exp_ioserver: FALSE
   exp_proc_type: hasw
   exp_chem: 3
   exp_emission: MERRA2
   exp_aero: 1
   exp_met: MERRA2
   exp_hst: HISTORY.GEOSCTM.rc.tmpl

Sample Regression Test Report

The report below was generated by doing the three experiments presented above.

                    Regression testing of GEOS CTM code base
---> New Tag:      Icarus-3_2_p9_CTM_MEM_16-r4-SLES12
---> Baseline Tag: Icarus-3_2_p9_CTM_MEM_16-r3-SLES12
Experiment Name         Experiment Type    Run Completed?      Passed Test?
idealPT                        V                 +                  -
pTracerTR                      O                 +                  +
GOCART_base                    B                 +
Time taken = 03:01:14
+   : experiment success
F   : experiment failure
-   : Not available
Experiment Type
    B   : Baseline
    O   : 1+1=2
    V   : Verification