GEOS Coupled OCEAN Build Instructions

This document descripves the basic step to obtain, compile and execute the GEOS couple Ocean model.

Obtain the code

The code is in a CVS repository. To obtain it, issue the command:

cvs co -P -r tag_name GEOSodas_m7

where tag_name is the name of the CVS tag of interest. It can be for instance yuri-s2s3-unstable-SLES12.

You will get a directory named GEOSodas.

Compile the Code

To compile the code, issue the following commands:

 cd GEOSodas/src
 source g5_modules

In the last command, you might be asked to provide a sponsor code id is if you have more than one on the platform you are using.

An alternative method to compile the code is use a simple script (C-shell here) for a serial build. It assumes that that the script is located at the same level as the GEOSodas/ directory.

 #!/bin/csh -f

 source /usr/share/modules/init/csh

 set curDIR = `pwd`
 setenv ESMADIR ${curDIR}/GEOSodas

 cd $ESMADIR/src
 module purge
 source g5_modules

 set CLEAN = 0
 set MAKEALL = 1

 if ($CLEAN) gmake realclean
 if ($MAKEALLDEBUG) gmake install BOPT=g
 if ($MAKEALL) gmake pinstall

Regardless the method that you use to build the code, a directory named Linux/ will be created inside GEOSodas/. The Linux/ directory contains temporary files, libraries and executables created during the compilation process. To make sure that the code was successfully compiled, check that the file GEOSgcm.x exists in the directory GEOSodas/src/Applications/GEOSgcm_App/.

Create the Experiment Directory

After building the executable, we need to create an experimenet directory. The code comes with a tool that allows you to do that. We recommend that you always go through this process whenever to start a new experiment.

The first step is to go to the directory GEOSodas/src/Applications/GEOSgcm_App/. Then check that the following files are available:

AGCM.rc.tmpl GAAS_GridComp.rc.tmpl GEOSgcm.x gcm_run.j gcm_setup ocean_das_config.tmpl

There are many other files in the directory but the above ones play an imporatnt role in setting the experiment directory and driving the model.

The script gcm_setup, when executed, asks a series of questions to determine a set of parameters and input files needed to run the model.

Issue the command:


and provide the information requested. When you are asked if:

  • Yoou want to run the COUPLED Ocean/Sea-Ice Model, answer YES.
  • You want to to run the REPLAY DUAL OCEAN Model, answer - YES is you intend to run 'ODAS - NO otherwise.

The avialbale reoslutions are:

Atmosphere Ocean
c90x72 360x200x50
c180x72 720x410x40
c180x72 1440x1080x50 (S2Sv3 resolution)

When you are asked which history template do you want to use, you may choose HISTORY.AOGCM.rc.tmpl or HISTORY.S2S.rc.tmpl. All other parameters may be left default. If the ODAS configuration is selected, the entire GEOSodas/src/Applications/UMD_Etc/ directory will be copied into the ocean_das directory located in the experiment directory.

Here, we provide a sample dialogue:

 Enter the Experiment ID:
 Enter a 1-line Experiment Description:
      Test ODAS
 Do you wish to CLONE an old experiment? (Default: NO or FALSE)
 Enter the Atmospheric Horizontal Resolution code:
 Lat/Lon                     Cubed-Sphere
    b --  2  deg                c48  --  2   deg 
    c --  1  deg                c90  --  1   deg 
    d -- 1/2 deg                c180 -- 1/2  deg (56-km) 
    e -- 1/4 deg (35-km)        c360 -- 1/4  deg (28-km)  
                                c720 -- 1/8  deg (14-km) 
                                c1440 - 1/16 deg ( 7-km) 
                                          DYAMOND Grids                 
                                c768 -- 1/8  deg (12-km) 
                                c1536 - 1/16 deg ( 6-km) 
                                c3072 - 1/32 deg ( 3-km) 

 Enter the Atmospheric Model Vertical Resolution: LM (Default: 72)
 Do you wish to run the COUPLED Ocean/Sea-Ice Model? (Default: NO or FALSE)

 Enter the Ocean Lat/Lon Horizontal Resolution: IM JM (Default: 360 200)
      1440 1080
 Enter the Ocean Model Vertical Resolution: LM (Default: 50)
 Do you wish to run the REPLAY DUAL OCEAN Model? (Default: NO or FALSE)

 Do you wish to run the AODAS Model? (Default: NO or FALSE)

 Enter the choice of  Restart Record Parameters: Frequency (hhmmss): (Default: 240000)
 Enter the choice of  Restart Record Parameters: Reference Date (YYYYMMDD): (Default: 19800101)
 Enter the choice of  Restart Record Parameters: Reference Time (hhmmss): (Default: 210000)
 Enter the choice of  Land Surface Model: use 1 (Default: Catchment Model), 2 (CatchmentCN Model)

 Do you wish to run  the Runoff Routing Model? (Default: NO or FALSE)

 Do you wish to run GOCART with Actual or Climatological Aerosols? (Enter: A (Default) or C)

 Enter the GOCART Emission Files to use: MERRA2 (Default), PIESA, CMIP, NR, MERRA2-DD or OPS:

 Enter the tag or directory (/filename) of the HISTORY.AGCM.rc.tmpl to use
 (To use HISTORY.AGCM.rc.tmpl from current build, Type:  Current         )
 Hit ENTER to use Default Tag/Location: (/discover/nobackup/jkouatch/GEOS_OCEAN/yuri-s2s3-unstable-SLES12/GEOSodas/src/Applications/GEOSgcm_App)

 Enter Desired Location for the HOME Directory (to contain scripts and RC files)
 Hit ENTER to use Default Location:
 Default:  /gpfsm/dnb32/jkouatch/GEOS_OCEAN/yuri-s2s3-unstable-SLES12/test_odas

 Enter Desired Location for the EXPERIMENT Directory (to contain model output and restart files)
 Hit ENTER to use Default Location:
 Default:  /gpfsm/dnb32/jkouatch/GEOS_OCEAN/yuri-s2s3-unstable-SLES12/test_odas

 Enter Location for Build directory containing:  src/ Linux/ etc...
 Hit ENTER to use Default Location:
 Default:  /discover/nobackup/jkouatch/GEOS_OCEAN/yuri-s2s3-unstable-SLES12/GEOSodas

 Current GROUPS: k3002 a930b s0942 s1043 m2val j1008
 Enter your GROUP ID for Current EXP: (Default: s1043)

 sending incremental file list

 sent 140,652,369 bytes  received 35 bytes  93,768,269.33 bytes/sec
 total size is 140,617,928  speedup is 1.00

 Creating gcm_run.j for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating gcm_archive.j for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating gcm_regress.j for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating gcm_convert.j for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating gcm_plot.tmpl for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating gcm_quickplot.csh for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating gcm_moveplot.j for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating gcm_stats.j for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating gcm_forecast.tmpl for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating gcm_forecast.setup for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating gcm_emip.setup for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating CAP.rc.tmpl for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating AGCM.rc.tmpl for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating GAAS_GridComp.rc.tmpl for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating ocean_das_config.tmpl for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating HISTORY.rc.tmpl for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating input.nml for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating diag_table for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating field_table for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating plotocn.j for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating for Experiment: test_odas 
 Creating fvcore_layout.rc for Experiment: test_odas 

 /bin/mv: '/gpfsm/dnb32/jkouatch/GEOS_OCEAN/yuri-s2s3-unstable-SLES12/test_odas/GAAS_GridComp.rc.tmpl' and '/gpfsm/dnb32/jkouatch/GEOS_OCEAN/yuri-s2s3-unstable-SLES12/test_odas/GAAS_GridComp.rc.tmpl' are the same file

 Build Directory: /discover/nobackup/jkouatch/GEOS_OCEAN/yuri-s2s3-unstable-SLES12/GEOSodas

 The following executable has been placed in your Experiment Directory:

 You must now copy your Initial Conditions into: 

 Copying Sandbox Source Code (including non-committed files) into /gpfsm/dnb32/jkouatch/GEOS_OCEAN/yuri-s2s3-unstable-SLES12/test_odas/src/GEOSagcm/src ...

 Enter CVS Tag to COMMIT this Experiment (Default: test_odas__jkouatch)
 Enter q or quit to QUIT or SKIP the CVS COMMIT:

Running the Code

After running the gcm_setup script, an experiment directory will be created. Depending on your settings, you will have (among others) the following files (in the experiment directory) that are critical in running the ODAS configuration:


You do not need to edit any of the above files unless you change the processor decomposition. In that case, the files AGCM.rc.with_RECORD_OFF and AGCM.rc.with_RECORD_ON need to be updated.

To run the code, you will need to create the cap_restart file. You may allo need to edit the following files:

  • CAP.rc: to set the end date.
  • 'HISTORY.rc`: to specify the collections you are interested in.
  • gcm_run.j: to change the requested wallclock time (-l walltime) and the number of tasks (--ntasks).
  • input.nml: to modify the layout settings in the ocean_model_nml section. This is tied to the settings in AGCM.rc.with_RECORD_OFF and AGCM.rc.with_RECORD_ON.