Software designed for FF-OCT experiments.

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

DOI If you use this software please consider citing it.


The GUI allows for acquiring full field optical coherent tomography images and fluorescence images on a second camera (optional) or a Spectral domain OCT (optional).


  • Configurations for both in-vivo eye imaging with SDOCT and fluorescence measurement.
  • Real time parallel FFOCT and fluorescence imaging.
  • Real time parallel FFOCT and SDOCT imaging.
  • Real time dynamic FFOCT imaging.



In order to be able to run the program, you will need to install the following on your Matlab software:

  • Matlab 2017b (add-on: Ni-DAQmx, Zaber toolbox, Bitflow frame grabber adaptor).
  • Image acquistion toolbox with Bitflow (or you own framegrabber) depedencies.
  • PCO SDK for using fluorescence.
  • Thorlabs SDK for using SDOCT.


Then you will probably need to change:

  • Serial ports for your own motors.
  • Initialisation files for your own cameras (initialisationOCT.m and initialisationFluo.m).