
Some programming problems from the Zero to Mastery course

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Julian McNeill - Coding Challenge #6

Question 1

Clean the room function: given an input of [1,2,4,591,392,391,2,5,10,2,1,1,1,20,20], make a function that organizes these into individual array that is ordered. For example answer(ArrayFromAbove) should return: [[1,1,1,1],[2,2,2], 4,5,10,[20,20], 391, 392,591]. Bonus: Make it so it organizes strings differently from number types. i.e. [1, "2", "3", 2] should return [[1,2], ["2", "3"]]

Question 2

Write a javascript function that takes an array of numbers and a target number. The function should find two different numbers in the array that, when added together, give the target number. For example: answer([1,2,3], 4) should return [1,3]

Question 3

Write a function that converts HEX to RGB. Then Make that function autodect the formats so that if you enter HEX color format it returns RGB and if you enter RGB color format it returns HEX. Bonus: Release this tool as a npm package.
