This repo includes Milestone 2 code for social media app with basic styling. In this Milestone, we added Friendship feature to the social media app.
- Ruby v2.7.0
- Ruby on Rails v5.2.6
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Ruby: 2.7.0
- Rails: 5.2.6
- Postgres: >=9.5
Instal gems with:
bundle install
Setup database with:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
Optionally, you can add the provided seeds for the database tables with:
rails db:seed
Start server with:
rails server
Open http://localhost:3000/
in your browser.
rpsec --format documentation
Tests were created regarding only the Friendship feature added in this Milestone.
👤 Julian Carracedo
- GitHub: @JuliCarracedo
- Twitter: @CarracedoTrigo
- LinkedIn: Julian Carracedo
👤 Ênio Neves de Souza
- GitHub: @enionsouza
- Twitter: @enionsouza
- LinkedIn: Enio Neves de Souza
👤 Ênio Neves de Souza
- GitHub: @enionsouza
- Twitter: @onyekafortune
- LinkedIn: Ihedoro Fortunatus
👤 Ênio Neves de Souza
- GitHub: @Fondem-Jr
- Twitter: @OpportunistZeus
- LinkedIn: Enio Neves de Souza
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the pull resquests page for this milestone.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.