
A website to users test how much words can they type in a certain amount of time ⌨🐱‍💻

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Typing Game ⌨

typing game web site print typing game web site print


Project Description

Website developed to be a litle game that gives a time to the user type in a textarea and when the timer gets to 0, count the amount of words on it (regardless of whether it is spelled correctly or not).

How to run it locally


Clone this repository and install it dependencies with this command:

 npm install


Run the application with npm start command, it will start the app on localhost:3000:

 npm start

🔨 Project Functionalities

  • Functionality 1: Set a timer
  • Functionality 2: Get words from textarea and count it
  • Functionality 3: Disable button and textarea when the game is not running
  • Functionality 4: Focus textarea after button 'start' is clicked

✔️ Technologies and techniques used

  • React
  • Hooks (useState, useEffect, useRef)
  • Clean code