- 4
How do I limit the number of coefficients used?
#774 opened by YichengDWu - 3
- 0
when x is the identity, f = sign(x) works while g = sign(x) - x fails because arclength is called with invalid signiture
#946 opened by macd - 1
Remove dependency on Calculus.jl
#944 opened by ViralBShah - 7
Implementing a convolution operator
#940 opened by Jilhg - 0
Cannot apply multiplication operator on Fourier() space
#941 opened by Jilhg - 6
- 2
Incorrect results for sin and cosine functions
#939 opened by ay111 - 2
Simple error following the documentation
#936 opened by falematte - 0
OutOfMemoryError() when approximating a 3D function
#938 opened by weymouth - 0
What is the difference between adjoint and a Derivative (newton solver)?
#935 opened by GrigorySarnitsky - 0
No DefiniteIntegral() documentation
#934 opened by GrigorySarnitsky - 3
Are we able to solve this simple sturm liouville problem taken from chebfun examples?
#930 opened by falematte - 1
Wrong tensor product between Fourier and Chebyshev
#929 opened by mzaffalon - 12
Multivariate function roots
#926 opened by falematte - 5
Cannot use `Integral` in Newton solver
#928 opened by eschnett - 1
Array concatenations produce unexpected results
#924 opened by andreasvarga - 1
- 0
- 0
L2 operator
#913 opened by rveltz - 0
Division by Fun with root fails: `setdomain(::PiecewiseSpace,::ClosedInterval)` not implement
#912 opened by LucasAschenbach - 0
- 2
Creating a Fun of tanh returns the zero Fun
#908 opened by macd - 2
Unreasonable number of Chebyshev coefficients required to approximate certain Gaussians
#777 opened by johnbcoughlin - 0
- 0
Cumsum fails when used on the output of sign()
#905 opened by macd - 1
Newton for simple PDE gives NaN result
#887 opened by dstahlke - 2
- 1
#807 opened by awegawegw - 1
WARNING: both ApproxFunFourier and DomainSets export "Disk"; uses of it in module ApproxFun must be qualified
#873 opened by jishnub - 3
Compatibility with Symbolics.jl
#847 opened by benjione - 2
Trouble with the Fourier representaion of a constant matrix with trailing zero element
#870 opened by andreasvarga - 1
Tag v1, write JOSS paper?
#871 opened by dlfivefifty - 8
- 2
evaluate orthogonal polynomials
#827 opened by alanedelman - 2
Domain properties of functions not consistent
#858 opened by benjione - 1
Precompile fails on binder
#856 opened by JakobAsslaender - 1
Computing the Zernike polynomials coefficients?
#848 opened by Veenty - 0
InExact Error on constructing a two dimensional complex valued function in some spaces
#770 opened by avleenk2312 - 0
spelling error
#826 opened by alanedelman - 1
- 1
Documentation example on partial differential equation returned error; It has broadcasting issue
#806 opened by ay111 - 0
Use Literate.jl to maintain readme examples
#810 opened by jishnub - 2
multivariate function approximation
#805 opened by benjione - 1
- 4
- 0
Null dimensions for matrices not supported ?
#775 opened by andreasvarga - 3
Solving PDE's on quasi-periodic domains
#772 opened by bhaveshshrimali - 0
Code running on local Julia, but failing on CI tests with Ububtu_latest and Windows_latest
#771 opened by andreasvarga - 1