
can not read the csv with large cells written by itself

ctarn opened this issue · 1 comments

ctarn commented
using CSV
d = [(x="a"^(2^22),y="b"^(2^22),)]
CSV.write("tmp.csv", d) |> CSV.File |> display
1-element CSV.File:
 CSV.Row: (x = missing, y = missing, z = missing)

d = [(x="a"^(2^20),y="b"^(2^20),)]
CSV.write("tmp.csv", d) |> CSV.File |> display
1-element CSV.File:
 CSV.Row: (x = missing, y = missing, z = missing)

Yes, i believe 2^20 is the limit for the longest string we can parse in an individual cell

Tracked here: #935