- 24
Tag v1.0
#719 opened by dlfivefifty - 1
Modification of equality checking between two Duals not synchronized between master and last release
#726 opened by clguillot - 1
- 0
- 1
- 3
- 0
Unsupported operation when using CUDA
#713 opened by salbert83 - 2
Gradients with respect to struct fields?
#709 opened by NAThompson - 3
Cannot compute gradient with `ArrayPartition` that holds containers of different types
#706 opened by bvdmitri - 1
- 2
NaN gradient occurring in `SpecialFunctions.gamma`, when using float arguments.
#705 opened by vwiela - 4
- 2
One call to get f(x) and f'(x)?
#630 opened by aloispichler - 1
Support derivative(f, ::Complex)
#675 opened by dlfivefifty - 1
ERROR: Package ForwardDiff errored during testing
#700 opened by iajzenszmi - 0
`gradient!` allocates for matrices but not for vectors
#698 opened by gdalle - 2
DiffResults objects are not re-aliased properly
#696 opened by gdalle - 2
- 2
Working with anonymous functions
#694 opened by matheusdiogenesandrade - 2
LoadError: ArgumentError: Package AdaptStaticArraysCoreExt does not have Adapt in its dependencies:
#691 opened by timelyseeks - 0
Allocation tests broken since Julia 1.9
#689 opened by andreasnoack - 1
Error requiring `Symbolics` from `Optimization`
#685 opened by lakshaya17 - 1
Document internals?
#682 opened by gdalle - 3
Method ambiguities reported by Aqua
#681 opened by prbzrg - 3
- 1
Incorrect Hessian by `exp` function
#677 opened by rzyu45 - 1
Symbolics.jl compatibility
#674 opened by polhager - 7
Derivative of a function of derivatives
#673 opened by tlorance - 8
Correctly forming nested dual numbers.
#671 opened by vpuri3 - 1
`ForwardDiff.jacobian` throws error for `fft`
#670 opened by ziyiyin97 - 1
Implement gammalogccdf for ForwardDiff
#666 opened by mashu - 1
- 0
Implement hessian! for scalar x
#661 opened by ojwoodford - 3
- 0
Broken external link
#649 opened by DanielVandH - 5
Cancellation with sparse arrays
#658 opened by gdalle - 0
Can you take derivative of complicated function whose symbolic form is not explicit or not known?
#654 opened by unary-code - 2
incorrect 2nd derivative of complex exponential
#653 opened by stevengj - 1
#624 opened by stevengj - 5
- 0
Rationals and Modulo
#647 opened by daniel-frisch-kit - 2
- 1
AD in-place instead of broadcast
#645 opened by b-fg - 0
- 6
- 1
Derivative is wrong for this inverse quadratic form
#633 opened by colinfang - 4
- 4
Jacobian returns zero matrix
#623 opened by rakshith95 - 1
- 2
Highly invalidating method: promote_rule(::Type{R}, ::Type{ForwardDiff.Dual{T, V, N}}) where {R<:Real, T, V, N}
#620 opened by ChrisRackauckas