
Deprecations from Peaks.jl

Datseris opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi Hauke,

Peaks.jl which you use in tests (I think) has deprecations. If you run the tests by simply doing ] test DelayEmbeddings you'll see warnings like:

 ┌ Warning: `maxima(x, w = 1, strictbounds = true)` is deprecated, use `argmaxima(x, w; strictbounds = strictbounds)` instead.
│   caller = maxima(::Array{Float64,1}) at deprecated.jl:71
└ @ Peaks ./deprecated.jl:71
┌ Warning: `minima(x, w = 1, strictbounds = true)` is deprecated, use `argminima(x, w; strictbounds = strictbounds)` instead.
│   caller = minima(::Array{Float64,1}) at deprecated.jl:71
└ @ Peaks ./deprecated.jl:71

These warnings will soon become broken code if not taken care of. This isn't a priority so feel free to take your time to address it.