Unitful coordinate reference systems for geographic maps in Julia
- 63
TagBot trigger issue
#45 opened by JuliaTagBot - 1
Implement typemin and typemax for CRS
#174 opened by juliohm - 1
Fix equality under new promotion rules
#171 opened by juliohm - 3
Add local coordinates
#48 opened by ettersi - 1
Review shifted CRS parameters
#148 opened by juliohm - 6
Add support for MAGNA-SIGRAS EPSG:4686
#153 opened by romu545 - 3
Assess access traits for specific coordinate names
#127 opened by juliohm - 0
Fix dispatch from Shifted to Projected
#138 opened by juliohm - 1
Add support for EPSG:27700
#131 opened by TimG1964 - 4
Wrong type conversion for concrete LatLon type
#120 opened by jrklasen - 0
Add support for EPSG:3035
#78 opened by evetion - 0
- 3
Addition of a Spherical Ellipsoid
#98 opened by disberd - 1
- 0
Fix `isapprox` with different precision
#84 opened by juliohm - 0
Add `Cartesian` constructor with tuple of numbers
#71 opened by juliohm - 0
Add epoch shift to datum
#41 opened by juliohm - 0
Cartesian isapprox should do vector comparison instead of elementwise comparison
#53 opened by ettersi - 9
Implement "wrapping" local coordinates?
#49 opened by ettersi - 11
Add cstrip() and cwrap functions
#47 opened by ettersi - 6
Missing coordinate conversions
#46 opened by ettersi - 5
- 2
Invoking cartography methods without Unitful directly attached to point types
#43 opened by asinghvi17 - 2
Benchmark quotient is flipped
#42 opened by jkrumbiegel - 0
Fix inverse of TransverseMercator
#40 opened by juliohm