
updating widgets without really pushing

yakir12 opened this issue · 2 comments

OK, I found the culprit (in reference to and completely independent of the specific problem resolved by #32). Consider the following example. I'm sure that pushing into the slider, which is triggered by updates to the slider, is causing this to crash:

using GtkReactive, Gtk.ShortNames
w = Window("a")
s = slider(0:10)
b = Box(:v)
push!(b, s)
foreach(s) do t
    if t > 5
        push!(s, 5) # problematic
foreach(s) do t
    push!(b, label(string(t + rand())))
push!(w, b)

In the actual code I'm writing, I allow the user to adjust some inputs (textarea, dropdown, spinbutton), then press an "OK" button, and then some things happen accordingly. But, I also need to update the same inputs according to what the user pressed OK to (thus automatically advancing the spinbuttons etc). I guess what would be cool, is if those updates wouldn't propagate further (cause they were caused by the machine, not the user, and where intended only as a guess to what the user might want next round).

There's simply no way

foreach(s) do t
    if t > 5
        push!(s, 5) # problematic

can work, because pushing a single value triggers an endless recursion. Just use signal(s).value = 5 to bypass the trigger.

Since this isn't an issue with this package, I'll close this.

OK, thanks.