- 8
Rename SerialPorts.jl PySerialPorts.jl
#24 opened by scls19fr - 1
Cannot run the Listener.jl example
#36 opened by YuYuB - 3
- 5
libserialport Migration
#14 opened by sjkelly - 0
write function seems to have some bug!
#22 opened by mouryarahul - 3
- 0
Enable AppVeyor
#7 opened by sjkelly - 1
Error tagging new release
#33 opened by attobot - 1
JuliaCIBot Fails
#28 opened by sjkelly - 1
pycall api updates
#30 opened by stevengj - 4
julia 0.7.0 is using code of `05compat` branch
#29 opened by tpdsantos - 2
SerialPorts error when writing an UInt8
#21 opened by kendrick1501 - 2
Flow Control
#6 opened by sjkelly - 1
use pyimport_conda
#11 opened by stevengj - 0
- 2
- 2
Make next tag 0.1.0
#8 opened by tkelman - 0
IO subtyping
#4 opened by sjkelly