
Adding more images to dataset

mronian opened this issue · 8 comments

I'd like to add some 16bit images to the dataset. One of the sources I found is this link => http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?ReferenceImages.html.

The author requires that we use it for research/non-commercial purposes only. Can I add it to this dataset ?

I'm a bit reluctant to add encumbered images. Can you find some good alternatives? If not, I'm willing to discuss.

I found these images (they are free to use), but they provide a huge zip file (grayscale is 285MB and RGB is 787MB). I would like to add just a few of these so that people can easily test without eating up a lot of their data. Is there a place we can host some of these images? This will also help to show images for jetplane, lake, livingroom etc from the standard dataset in the Readme.

There are some more images here are under a creative commons license => http://www.tecnick.com/public/code/cp_dpage.php?aiocp_dp=testimages

Wow, those are some big images. Clearly focused on digital photography.

I did notice they have a "thumbnail link", e.g., http://imagecompression.info/test_images/big_thumbnails/artificial.jpg.

I suppose we could host an image or two here, I was just trying to cut down on the size of the repo.

How about we store the images in a proper website with documentation instead of in the ReadMe? I mean we could use the gh-pages branch to host the images (something like the documentation for Images.jl). This way the repo size will be small and we can also host the images.

I've never used (or even looked into) gh-pages, but that sounds like a great idea. The sources for some of these images tend to evaporate over time, as you surely noticed already.

Oh, I thought you might have as the docs of Images.jl are hosted in the gh-pages branch of the repo. Maybe Mk-docs automatically does that.

I've created a small website for TestImages.jl in the gh-pages branch of my fork. You can view it at http://mronian.github.io/TestImages.jl/. Most browsers (apart from safari) do not display TIFF images, so many of the images don't show up. I could create a separate webimages folder which will have scaled down JPEG version of all the images just for displaying on the website or we could not display the images at all. I think the second approach will be better as the repo will have N-d images and other types of images which cannot be viewed in the browser anyways.

It will have to be merged in a new gh-pages branch here. Also once the website is merged, we can change the links in deps/build.jl to the new ones. I have opened a PR for that.

I can't create a new branch as I am not a contributor. @timholy could you create the gh-pages branch?

@rsrock wrote the docs, and I haven't properly dug into how it all works. gh-pages branch done.

I think this can be closed, given @mronian's excellent work here.