
--compile=min does not output code coverage

fredrikekre opened this issue · 3 comments

$ ls

$ cat test.jl 
function f()
    println("hello, world")

$ julia --code-coverage=user --compile=min test.jl
hello, world

$ ls

$ julia --code-coverage=user test.jl                                 
hello, world

$ ls
test.jl  test.jl.11153.cov

We should just add an error for this combination of options.

Okay, is the interpreter not able to output code coverage? Is that the reason that top-level code generally is not covered either?

We should just add an error for this combination of options.

Maybe a warning? A package that sets

Base.Experimental.@compiler_options compile=min optimize=1

in its source code, but still runs standard CI files, would then start throwing an error. Seems pretty breaking.