- akablaUniversity of Cambridge
- chr1999
- daviehh
- dpsandersUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
- dunxen@nexedworks
- ebigram
- elisno
- ErikQQYZhejiang University
- GuimeiLu
- hasundueTokyo, Japan
- heltonmcUniversity of Michigan
- HMegh
- jacobmogic
- jlapeyre@IBM Quantum
- JonnyCBBDeliveroo
- ManullangJihanPT. Olsera Pratama Indonesia
- Marc-Cox-08
- maruthinhIndian Institute of Science
- mschauerChalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg
- OkonSamuelSoftdax Solutions
- pranav-vempati@LLNL
- runjaj
- shengdie
- shipengcheng1230Capital One
- stjordanisGreece
- theogfPlantingSpace
- xlxs4EMTech Space
- yakir12Lund University
- yaunqiying
- zsteinmetzRPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, iES Landau