
Collection of Tidy Tuesday code

My Tidy Tuesday contributions

Collection of my Tidy Tuesday code & plots, many of which were created with R-Ladies Freiburg.

Very much a work in progress - feedback welcome: Twitter


20/07/21: Coffee Ratings

Ridgeline plots visualising density distributions of coffee beans rated on various dimensions (e.g. body, acidity, flavour, aftertaste)

Coffee rating plots

20/05/05 Animal Crossing

Chord diagram of personality traits for the seven most common species in Animal Crossing

Animal crossing personality traits by most common species

20/02/25 Measles

Lollipop charts of vaccination rates by US states

MMR vaccination rates

Overall vaccination rates

20/02/18 Food Consumption

Playing around with geom_text() labels

Comparing food consumption and CO2 emissions

Visualising food consumption and CO2 emissions for Germany

20/02/11 Hotels

Working with both size and colour to express different types of information in one graph

Special requests

Meal options

20/01/28 NYC Squirrels

A simple bar chart of squirrel sightings in NYC and a wordcloud showing what they were busy doing when they were spotted.

Squirrel sightings by day and colour

Squirrel activities

20/01/21 Spotify

Correlation plot of all numeric variables and linegraph with labels for the most popular songs per genre.

Correlation plot

Line graph of loudness and energy by genre


19/12/19 Star Wars

Just some simple bar graphs on the divisive "Who shot first?" question.

Who shot first