- 18
wrong calculation of covariance matrix in function StatsAPI.vcov(fit::LsqFitResult)
#255 opened by donovaly - 1
Citing this package
#254 opened by ignace-computing - 0
Complex functions fix
#253 opened by OrlowskiWojtek - 0
Measurements.jl support
#252 opened by maltepuetz - 4
`stderror` throws `LinearAlgebra.LAPACKException(1)` with weighted least squares fitting.
#234 opened by JaydevSR - 1
document keywords (maxIter, x_tol, g_tol, …) better?
#251 opened by stevengj - 1
Add correlation matrix (Pearson's correlation)
#249 opened by lhapp27 - 3
Support for `Unitful.jl`'s units?
#250 opened by singularitti - 3
Support for ComponentArrays
#240 opened by 1991jhf - 5
TagBot trigger issue
#175 opened by JuliaTagBot - 5
Reqeust to register release
#243 opened by BioTurboNick - 0
Crash if the Jacobian is singular
#238 opened by mbaz - 3
Proposal: Add more verbose interface
#233 opened by MrHenning - 1
Problems using Lsqfit inside a module in Julia 1.8.5
#236 opened by amarux - 0
Geodesic Acceleration 3D function
#235 opened by cdelv - 2
(1) hoping you won't remove lmfit, and (2) seeking help re Geodesic acceleration
#216 opened by donboyd5 - 4
Support for CUDA
#218 opened by albertomercurio - 4
Weighted LSQfit fails, Message: DomainError [...] sqrt will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument.
#227 opened by StefanPofahl - 1
More documentation issues
#213 opened by jlbosse - 5
- 1
Progress bar
#207 opened by Datseris - 1
No method matching curve_fit
#215 opened by clemzm - 2
Documentation issues
#184 opened by KronosTheLate - 1
Feature request: Seeking stopval or callback, to give greater control over stopping criteria
#220 opened by donboyd5 - 5
Using curve_fit in bigfloat mode and kwarg g_tol
#191 opened by jarlebring - 1
Fitting of 2D data is broken
#209 opened by fergu - 0
- 4
Taking too long to be imported
#169 opened by ihavenonickname - 11
Vector valued y
#171 opened by benneti - 2
n_buffer has wrong dimensions
#212 opened by pascalschulthess - 1
Citing LsqFit.jl
#217 opened by scholzy - 5
#211 opened by JakobAsslaender - 0
- 0
Trust - Region
#214 opened by liushang0322 - 0
Exports from `StatsBase`
#210 opened by miromarszal - 0
Support for NTuple inputs and outputs
#208 opened by heltonmc - 0
Named parameters
#206 opened by AlexisRenchon - 6
Fit parameters order of magnitude different
#200 opened by AlexisRenchon - 4
- 2
Combined model and jacobian function
#196 opened by asprionj - 3
Fit fails for small fitting parameters
#178 opened by AndiMD - 13
UndefRefError when using BigFloats
#187 opened by atiyo - 5
- 2
A quick demo of fit neural network using LsqFit.jl
#179 opened by jiweiqi - 2
- 2
Tag a version with Distributions 0.25
#190 opened by StevenSiew - 11
- 4
Patch release?
#170 opened by rasmushenningsson - 3
Tag a version with Distributions 0.24
#174 opened by Datseris - 2
LAPACKException(2) for stderror(fit)
#172 opened by carstenbauer