Error using solve function

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In trying to apply POMCPOW to my problem of interest, I am trying to use the solve function with the following two lines:

solver = POMCPOWSolver(criterion=MaxUCB(20.0))
planner = solve(solver, mdp)

I am able to implement MCTS with my MDP input, but when using it with POMCPOW I get the following error:

MethodError: no method matching solve(::POMCPOWSolver, ::laneChangeMDP) Closest candidates are: solve(!Matched::FunctionSolver, ::Union{MDP, POMDP}) at /Users/williambrannon/.julia/packages/POMDPPolicies/tAWHg/src/function.jl:23 solve(!Matched::RandomSolver, ::Union{MDP, POMDP}) at /Users/williambrannon/.julia/packages/POMDPPolicies/tAWHg/src/random.jl:48

I suppose there might be an error somewhere in the typing of the POMCPOWSolver object?


Hi @wbrannon , thanks for reporting the error. POMCPOW is designed for POMDPs, so there is no solve method for MDPs.

You may be able to get it to work by wrapping the mdp in a FullyObservablePOMDP, but I can't think of a reason this would be better than just using MCTS with DPW.