Pluto.jl bundled into an easy-to-install desktop app — currently under development
- alecloudenback
- astrogewgawNational Centre for Radio Astrophysics
- CarloLucibelloBocconi University
- ctrekker
- curio-sitasInstitut FOTON, Université de Rennes 1
- d3v3l0Munich
- DawievLillStellenbosch University
- diegozeaUniversité Paris-Saclay
- diversableBC, Canada
- dralletjeDral .inc
- dustyirwinICF
- dwinkler1@WU-RDS
- ebigram
- eduardosalazPepsiCo
- eliascarvArpeggeo®
- fonspTU eindhoven
- gdalleEPFL
- Illusion47586@headout
- jcbritobrSonda | Embraer
- jmejia8Applied Mathematics Research Center, UAdeC
- kiranshilaKAS Microwave LLC
- KronosTheLate
- lnatero
- lukavdplasUtrecht
- merlijnkersten
- mrufsvold
- NilsWildtUniversity of Stuttgart
- pywugateIMB, Academia Sinica
- r2cpGuatemala
- Scurrra
- solantoThe Johns Hopkins University
- stefanjwojcikRenewables
- suriing
- theabhirathAnn Arbor, MI
- thomastjdavis
- zfenggThe Chinese University of Hong Kong