A set of functions to support the development of machine learning algorithms
- 3
TagBot trigger issue
#52 opened by JuliaTagBot - 1
Control randomness of Kfold
#56 opened by ngiann - 4
Move package to JuliaML
#53 opened by CarloLucibello - 1
Error in the roc function?
#43 opened by youngjaewoo - 0
Package compatibility caps
#47 opened by KZiemian - 1
confusmat() errors if class contains 0
#35 opened by asbisen - 4
Port to 0.7/1.0
#44 opened by lsindoni - 6
Merge with StatsBase?
#38 opened by ararslan - 1
- 3
Issues with Julia v0.5
#30 opened by pevnak - 1
- 1
Add random train-test splitting
#28 opened by abbradar - 0
crossval.jl example fails
#26 opened by chrisidefix - 1
Overlap with MachineLearning.jl?
#18 opened by amelio-vazquez-reina - 6
Tag new version
#22 opened by Evizero - 1
Example for cross_validate fails
#12 opened by joehuchette - 1
Documentation site is broken
#19 opened by prcastro - 1
Failing to load MLBase in Julia v0.4
#24 opened by silenj - 1
Performance evaluation features
#13 opened by bkamins - 2
- 4
Stratified Sampling
#3 opened by svs14 - 5
cross_validate use case?
#2 opened by thomlake - 1
abstract normalizer type
#8 opened by wildart