
Docstring of Differential instances is irrelevant

LilithHafner opened this issue · 0 comments

It's possible this is an upstream issue with the REPL or Julia itself, but this is unhelpful:

julia> @variables x
1-element Vector{Num}:

julia> dx = Differential(x)
(::Differential) (generic function with 3 methods)

help?> dx
search: dx gcdx ldexp indexin IndexStyle IndexLinear IndexCartesian getindex setindex! lastindex eachindex firstindex checkindex CapturedException StringIndexError findmax


  Any is the union of all types. It has the defining property isa(x, Any) == true for any x. Any therefore describes the entire universe of possible values. For example
  Integer is a subset of Any that includes Int, Int8, and other integer types.