Symbolic programming for the next generation of numerical software
- adrhillTU Berlin
- aivodjiÉTS Montréal
- anandijainSan Jose CA, Boston MA
- azev77Fowler College of Business, SDSU
- BatmanabcdefgMars
- bennetiNils Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
- briochemcUNSW
- cadojoCambridge, MA
- carstenbauerBauer Consulting
- cdsousaPerceive3D
- chengchingwen
- ChrisRackauckasMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- cscherrerRedpoll
- danmrc
- domlunaGoogle
- dpsandersUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
- haberdashPIBeacon Biosignals
- helgeeDFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH
- hexaeder
- isaacsasBoston University
- jonniedie
- klaff
- KronosTheLate
- metab0tHefei University of Technology
- mileslucasInstitute for Astronomy
- MoelfCambridge, MA
- pjs902@MPI-astronomy
- PotatoasadAustin
- rjrosatiNASA Marshall
- scheidanEawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
- SciemonFraunhofer IEE
- ShuhuaGaoNational University of Singapore
- theogfPlantingSpace
- waldyrious@feedzai
- xjtu-blacksmithXi'an Jiaotong University
- YingboMa@JuliaComputing