
Tomographic image reconstruction package in Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to XfromProjections.jl

XfromProjections provides image reconstruction from tomographic projection data. XfromProjections supports 2D image reconstructions for paralleal and fan beam and supports a stack of 2D images (3D images) slice by slice for paralleal beam. XfromProjections takes advantage of multi-threading. (To use multithreading, you can run julia with the option julia -t2 e.g. if you want to use 2 threads.)

XfromProjectiions depends on TomoForward package for forward operators of images.


Install Julia and in Julia REPL,

julia> ]
pkg> add https://github.com/JuliaTomo/TomoForward.jl
pkg> add https://github.com/JuliaTomo/XfromProjections.jl

Examples and usages

Please see the codes in examples folder.

  • fbp.jl : Filtered backprojection for 2D reconstruction
  • fbp_slices.jl : Filtered backprojection for reconstructing a stack of 2D images
  • sirt2d.jl : SIRT for 2D reconstruction
  • sirt2d_stack.jl : SIRT for reconstructing a stack of 2D images
  • tv2d_primaldual.jl : Total variation for 2D reconstruction
  • tv2d_stack_primaldual.jl : Total variation for reconstructing a stack of 2D images
  • ctv2d_primaldual.jl : L∞11 norm or total nuclear variation for spectral CT reconstruction

Regarding the code about the paper in submission "Material classification from sparse spectral X-ray CT using vectorial total variation based on L infinity norm", please refer to ctv2d_primaldual.jl.


Image reconstruction from Projections

Analytic methods

  • FBP with different filters of Ram-Lak, Henning, Hann, Kaiser

Iterative methods

  • SIRT [Andersen, Kak 1984]
  • Total Variation (TV) by primal dual solver [Chambolle, Pock 2011]
  • Collaborative total variation (TNV) [Duran et al, 2016] (possibly for spectral CT)

Shape form Projections

  • (Todo) Parametric level set (Todo) []

Contributions (please see contrib folders)

  • Dynamic with optical flow constraint [Burger et al, 2017]


  • Andersen, A.H., Kak, A.C., 1984. Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (SART): A superior implementation of the ART algorithm. Ultrasonic Imaging 6. https://doi.org/10.1016/0161-7346(84)90008-7
  • Chambolle, A., Pock, T., 2011. A First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for Convex Problems with Applications to Imaging. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 40, 120–145. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-010-0251-1
  • Duran, J., Moeller, M., Sbert, C., Cremers, D., 2016. Collaborative Total Variation: A General Framework for Vectorial TV Models. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 9, 116–151. https://doi.org/10.1137/15M102873X
  • Burger, M., Dirks, H., Frerking, L., Hauptmann, A., Helin, T., Siltanen, S., 2017. A variational reconstruction method for undersampled dynamic x-ray tomography based on physical motion models. Inverse Problems 33, 124008. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6420/aa99cf