Eat & Fit App allows unauthorized users to search for calories value and detailed food info (fats, fibre, carbohydrates). For authorized users are available the following features: save shopping list into MongoDB, calculate BMI (body mass index), save body characteristics, edit your data. Registration and login are available as well as a personal account.
The backend is written on node.js, express.js, mongoose.
React: conditional rendering, useState, useEffect, useContext (custom useAuth hook)
React Router (query params in URL: setting and reading, navigation bar, highlighting active tab )
USDA REST API on SwaggerHub
Axios & Fetch
Formik, Yup (validation library), Moments.js
Material UI: elements & icons, React Spring parallax
Local Storage (shopping list) & Cookies (auth token)
Node.js, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB
I've created server & backend part on my own as well as frontend.