
both AbstractTrees and Gumbo export "children"

Opened this issue · 3 comments

aviks commented

In the current version of Gumbo, it seems to be impossible to use the children method without qualifying it. This seems perverse when Gumbo extends children from AbstractTrees. I don't yet have a satisfying solution to this.

julia> using Gumbo

julia> using AbstractTrees

julia> const ex = parsehtml("""

julia> for n in children(ex.root)
WARNING: both AbstractTrees and Gumbo export "children"; uses of it in module Main must be qualified
ERROR: UndefVarError: children not defined
 in anonymous at ./<missing>:?

huh weird. I don't remember what I was thinking, maybe that having children exported would be convenient because you wouldn't have to care about importing AbstractTrees at all? In any case I'll look into it.

OK, now I remember. I did this to avoid backwards incompatible changes: Gumbo had a children method in the past and I didn't want to make breaking changes to the API. I agree that the above situation is very annoying though. It would be nice if Julia were able to prove that the two definitions of children are in fact that same and not complain about the conflict.

The only thing I can think to do to avoid this is not export children from Gumbo. I hesitate though, because it seems equally annoying to have to type using AbstractTrees whenever you want to get a node's children 😕 .

I haven't double checked, but I think that something like

import AbstractTrees.children
export children

(vs the current children = AbstractTrees.children formulation)

would probably work?