
Angular Snippets for VS Code

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular TypeScript Snippets for VS Code

Now Updated for Angular 4.0.0 release

This extension for Visual Studio Code adds snippets for Angular for TypeScript and HTML.

Use Extension

See the CHANGELOG for the latest changes


Type part of a snippet, press enter, and the snippet unfolds.

TypeScript Angular Snippets

a-component                 // component
a-component-root            // root app component
a-directive                 // directive
a-guard-can-activate        // CanActivate guard
a-guard-can-activate-child  // CanActivateChild guard
a-guard-can-deactivate      // CanDeactivate guard
a-guard-can-load            // CanLoad guard
a-http-get                  // http.get with Rx Observable
a-module                    // module
a-module-root               // root app module
a-module-routing            // routing module file (forChild)
a-output-event              // @Output event and emitter
a-pipe                      // pipe
a-route-path-404            // 404 route path
a-route-path-default        // default route path
a-route-path-eager          // eager route path
a-route-path-lazy           // lazy route path
a-service                   // service
a-service-http              // service with Http
a-ctor-skip-self            // angular ngmodule's skipself constructor
a-subscribe                 // Rx Observable subscription

TypeScript RxJS Snippets

rx-observable               // Rx Observable import
rx-subject                  // Rx Subject import
rx-replay-subject           // Rx ReplaySubject import
rx-behavior-subject         // Rx BehaviorSubject import
rx-add-operator             // Rx add operator import
rx-add-observable           // Rx add observable import

###HTML Snippets

a-class                     // [class] binding
a-select                    // <select> control
a-style                     // [style] binding
a-ngClass                   // ngClass
a-ngFor                     // *ngFor
a-ngForAsync                // *ngFor with async
a-ngIf                      // *ngIf
a-ngIfElse                  // *ngIf with else
a-ngModel                   // ngModel
a-routerLink                // routerLink
a-routerLink-param          // routerLink with a route parameter
a-ngStyle                   // ngStyle
a-ngSwitch                  // ngSwitch
a-prej                      // pre debug | json
a-preja                     // pre debug | async | json

Alternatively, press Ctrl+Space (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Space (OSX) to activate snippets from within the editor.


  1. Install Visual Studio Code 1.10.0 or higher
  2. Launch Code
  3. From the command palette Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd-Shift-P (OSX)
  4. Select Install Extension
  5. Choose the extension
  6. Reload Visual Studio Code

Install Extension