A graphical user interface of Python lmfit package was developed for standard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) curve fitting analysis. The interface streamlines the fitting procedures for validating results and their consistency.
- andrej-furlanSlovenia
- canozkan42Delft, NL
- dscharles14
- FJRFrancio
- guancaigcxie
- HexandersTU Dortmund/Experimentelle Physik I
- hidecode221bSLRI
- htaige
- Jodiee93
- Julian-HochhausTU Dortmund/Experimentelle Physik I
- kevinsmia1939Thailand
- kkakosimTexas A&M University at Qatar
- kmnhanKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- liqunkangMax Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion
- LM99v
- MalteSchulte
- SunC0der
- whitehorseprince