
Playing around with and learning about Gramine SGX;

  • attested TLS
  • creating manifest files
  • deploying nodeJS applications in Gramine
  • Gramine shielded containers

Creating a manifest file

There are three main components to Gramine, and we need to specify them in the manifest file:

  1. Library OS:
  2. Platform Adaption Layer (PAL): This is the layer that implements a drawbridge interface to the Gramine library OS. Whenever Gramine needs something from the host platform (ex. something from the file system) - it calls a function in PAL.
  3. Patched C Library:

Gramine Shielded Containers

This is infrastructure allowing the deploying of Docker containers protected by Intel SGX enclaves.

  • gsc transforms Docker image into a new image including library OS, manifest files, other SGX information
  • gsc build creates the Docker image
  • gsc sign-image signs it
  • image is then run using docker run as normal