
This is a plaintext version of some music playlists.

It's got things like a set of remember-the-year playlists in particular, which aren't really complete (I add to them when I remember a song that's from a given year that I like). But they're my way of remembering what I was listening to or liked from a given year. It's also a bit anachronistic, some songs I didn't really find in the year they were released, but I blur those lines a bit.

I have some vague ideas to turn this into an "executable" plain text playlist format. But for now, it's literally just static files. Some day...


  • So u a hipster?

    Yeah seems that way.

  • There's a great song you may like.

    Send a PR please!

  • Your taste in music is bad.?.

    Send PR to fix please.

  • Do u even spotify?

    Trying to quit to be honest.