#Musical Chairs Software Verification


The problem used in this suite of exercises belong to Lindsey Shorser of the University of Toronto. Her personal website can be found here: https://www.math.toronto.edu/cms/shorser-lindsey/


This project suite uses the SAT Solving software verification technique to verify if a given problem can be solved. If the problem is indeed solvable it will return a instance solution that satisfies the problem. Specifically, we break down the problems into solution constraints as input to the SAT-Solver.

The SAT Solver we use in this suite is Microsoft's z3.

The Problems we consider here is the musical chair problem.


  1. Z3
  2. Python 2.7 (z3 does not support Python 3)

###Musical Chairs Problem

There are n people and n chairs in a circle. In the initial state, person 0 sits on chair 0 and person n-1 sits at chair n-1. Ex. [person 0, chair 0] ... [person n, chair n]

When the signal to move is given, some of the n people must move 1 to S chairs.

musicalchairs.py contains the solution algorithm to determine if everybody still has a seat after the move.


musicalchairs.py takes in a file that contains the following information on consecutive lines:

  • n : number of people and chairs in the circle
  • S : maximum chairs a person can move
  • List of people that must move

Take a look at the default values provided in chair_setup which is a solvable problem. This algorithm supports any number of players/chairs and any value of maximum chair movement.

Run python musicalchairs.py chair_setup and you should see the final arrangement of chairs for the situation described in chair_setup:

Note the format: [person 0, chair 0], ..., [person n, chair n]