Source code for the paper "Top-k Entity Augmentation using Consistent Set Covering"

Primary LanguageScala


Implementation for the paper "Top-k Entity Augmentation using Consistent Set Covering" (pdf). The following instructions allow to reproduce the paper's results.

Note: A modified version of this was also used in the paper "DrillBeyond: Processing Multi-Result Open World SQL Queries". This version can be found in the branch "DrillBeyond".

Creating an index of the DWTC

Before you can use REA, you need to acquire a copy of the Dresden Web Table Corpus, and create an Lucene index over it. You can use the DWTC-Tools to perform these tasks. Here is the short version:

# download the DWTC
mkdir dwtc
cd dwtc
for i in $(seq -w 0 500); do wget http://wwwdb.inf.tu-dresden.de/misc/dwtc/data/dwtc-$i.json.gz; done
cd ..

# get the DWTC-Tools
git clone https://github.com/JulianEberius/dwtc-tools.git
cd dwtc-tools
mvn package
mvn install # needed for the REA compilation
cd ..

# create the index
java -cp dwtc-tools/target/dwtc-tools-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar webreduce.indexing.Indexer -s -r ./dwtc ./dwtc.lidx

The DWTC plus Index will take > 150GB disk space. It is possible and recommended to place the Index on a different machine than the development machine (see Runtime requirements).


Compilation is done via Maven. Before you can start, you need to install two custom libraries into your local maven repository via "mvn install":

1.) DWTC-Tools: Tools for working with the Dresden Web Table corpus. Should already be installed if you followed the above instructions for creating an index. 2.) matchtools: Custom schema and instance matching library.

git clone https://github.com/JulianEberius/matchtools.git
cd matchtools
mvn install
cd ..

Then, in the REA source directory, run

mvn package
./deps_only_jar.sh # a jar that bundles all external dependencies, used by the test scripts to run REA

Notice that REA uses Amazons Alexa Web Information Service to obtain web domain popularity scores as one scoring component. To use this scoring component, you need to provide your AWS credentials in rea/knowledge/Domains.scala before compiling.

Runtime requirements

REA uses Redis for caching, so install and start it before continuing. It is trivial to build from source, but should also be available in your OS package repositories. On a Mac using Homebrew you can just

brew install redis

While REA can use the class LocalIndex to work on an Lucene index on the local disk, the default procedure at the moment is to run the IndexServer class, which makes the Lucene index available to the rest of the code as an HTTP service. This allows to place the index on a different machine than the REA test/development machine. To run the index server:

test-scripts/run.sh rea.server.IndexServer 8765 dwtc.lidx

Then set the URL and port of your IndexServer both in test-scripts/test-allInOne.sh and test-scripts/test-correctnes.sh.

Running tests

With Redis running, from the REA source directory, run

bash test-scripts/test-all.sh

Then you can regenerate the CSV files used in the paper using

bash eval-scripts/regenCSVs.sh

A Tour around the Code

The code can be edited using the Scala IDE (for Eclipse) when using the "Maven Integration for Scala IDE" plugin.

Points of interest:

  • File REA.scala: Contains the web table retrieval and matching system that produces the candidates for the set cover algorithms.
  • Package rea.cover: Contains the implementations of the set cover algorithms discussed in the paper.
  • Package rea.test: Executable classes used in the evaluation. The file AllInOneTestInverseSim.scala shows how the matching system and the set covering algorithms are used in together.
  • Package rea.coherence: Contains coherence/consistency measures for data sources.
  • Package rea.scoring: Contains scoring functions for data sources.
  • Package rea.index: Contains the code for working with local or remote Lucene indices and retrieving candidate web tables from them.
  • Package rea.definitions: Classes representing basic concepts, such as dataset, value, cover, etc. and lots of utility functions for them.
  • Package rea.server: Contains the IndexServer that makes DWTC Lucene indices available as an HTTP service.