
Replication package for the prototype study empirically investigating requirements quality impact

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Requirements Quality Impact: Prototype Study

GitHub DOI arXiv

This repository contains the replication package for the prototype study that empirically investigates the impact of requirements quality defects on subsequent activities. It is the first implementation of the requirements quality theory [1] with the goal of quantifying the impact that alleged requirements quality defects (like passive voice or ambiguous pronouns) have on subsequent software engineering activities (like domain modeling).

The study comprises of an experiment in which participants were tasked to generate one domain model for each of four single sentence natural language requirements specifications. Each specification contained different requirements quality defects (passive voice and ambiguous pronouns). The experiment is used to evaluate whether these alleged quality defects have an impact on the properties of the resulting domain model. The experiment is an external, differentiated replication of a study by Femmer et al. [2].


This repository contains the following files:

  • data: folder containing all data obtained from the experiment
    • raw: folder containing the raw data as collected during the experiment
      • responses: folder containing the raw submissions of experiment participants (i.e., their created domain models)
      • rqi-demographics.csv: anonymized demographic data about the experiment participants
      • rqi-objects.csv: attributes of the four experimental objects (single-sentence requirements specifications)
      • rqi-results.csv: evaluation of the domain models produced by the experiment participants
      • rqi-results-overlap.csv: evaluation of a part of the domain models produced by the experiment participants, but by a different evaluator
    • results: folder containing data produced during the evaluation
      • rel-duration-superfluous-entities: estimate and confidence interval of the marginal effect of the relative duration on superfluous entities
      • rel-duration-wrong-associations: estimate and confidence interval of the marginal effect of the relative duration on wrong associations
    • rqi-data.csv: data sheet aggregated from the individual data files (demographics, objects, and results) via data-loading
  • doc: folder containing all supplementary material for the planning and execution of the experiment
    • instrument: folder containing the experiment instrument
      • evaluation-guideline.pdf: guidelines on how to evaluate the collected data
      • study-document.pdf: instructions for the experimental task
      • survey.pdf: additional survey for demographic variables of study participants
    • causal-model.pdf: fundamental causal assumptions informing the design of the experiment
    • experiment-design.pdf: documentation of the experimental design
    • experimental-objects.pdf: the requirements specifications for the experimental task as well as the ground truth
  • figures: folder containing all figures of the manuscript (in pdf format) which are either generated via the scripts or from graphml files
    • dags: all directed, acyclic graphs
    • demographics: visualization of the distribution of demographic variables
    • examples: visualizations of domain models generated from requirements specifications
    • quality-theory: graphical representation of the requirements quality theory
    • results: marginal and interaction plots evaluating the Bayesian models
  • src: R code processing the data
    • bayesian: Bayesian data analyses of the following hypotheses:
      • combined-defects.Rmd: "Requirements quality has an effect on the number of total defects (missing entities, superfluous entities, missing associations, and wrong associations)"
      • duration.Rmd: "Requirements quality has an effect on the duration to create a domain model"
      • missing-associations.Rmd: "Requirements quality has an effect on the number of associations missing from a domain model"
      • missing-entities.Rmd: "Requirements quality has an effect on the number of entities missing from a domain model"
      • superfluous-entities.Rmd: "Requirements quality has an effect on the number of superfluous entities in a domain model"
      • wrong-associations.Rmd: "Requirements quality has an effect on the number of wrong associations in a domain model"
    • frequentist: Frequentist analysis of the data (investigating the hypotheses by Femmer et al. [2])
    • html: folder containing a pre-compiled html version of each Rmd file (using knitr)
    • meta: meta-analyses assessing the validity of the research
      • interrater-agreement.Rmd: calculation of the inter-rater agreement of two evaluators between rqi-results.csv and rqi-results-overlap.csv
      • participant-type.Rmd: investigation of the eligibility of subsuming a participant type predictor by more fine-grained predictors (e.g., experience and domain knowledge)
    • util: helper files for the data analysis
      • data-loading.Rmd: assembly of the rqi-data.csv sheet for analysis and initial visualization of distributions
      • data-preparation.R: helper method to load the rqi-data.csv sheet and ensure the correct column types
      • model-eval.R: helper method to run posterior predictions from a brms model
      • setup.R: collection of library calls for all analysis scripts

System Requirements

To render and edit graphml files, install a graph editor like yEd.

In order to run the R scripts in the src folder, ensure that you have R (version > 4.0) and RStudio installed on your machine. Then, ensure the following steps:

  1. Install the rstan toolchain by following the instructions for Windows, Mac OS, or Linux respectively.
  2. Restart RStudio and follow the instructions starting with the Installation of RStan
  3. Install the latest version of stan by running the following commands
  1. Install all required packages via install.packages(c("tidyverse", "xlsx", "stringr", "rcompanion", "psych", "dagitty", "ggdag", "brms", "tidyverse", "posterior", "bayesplot", "marginaleffects", "broom.mixed", "patchwork")) (see setup.R for the setup of the main libraries).
  2. Create a folder called fits within src/bayesian/ such that brms has a location to place all Bayesian models.
  3. Open the rqi-proto.Rproj file with RStudio, which will setup the environment correctly.


To use this replication package, we recommend investigating the artifacts in this repository in the following order. For each script, you can choose between the interactive Rmd file that allows to inspect and manipulate each variable and the static html file, which is a pre-compiled version of each Rmd notebook located in the html folder. When opting for the static html files, you do not need to fulfill the system requirements listed above and instead just need a browser and a PDF viewer.

  1. Assumptions: To understand the general causal assumptions that informed the design of the study, consider the causal assumptions
  2. Design: To review the design derived from this causal model, consider the experiment design and the experimental objects.
  3. Instrumentation: The implementation of the experiment design consists of the experiment task and the survey of demographic variables.
  4. Data: To inspect the collected data, consider the data preparation notebook (static/interactive) or the raw data.
  5. Data Evaluation: To verify the evaluation of the raw data, consider the evaluation guidelines. Also, consider the calculation of the inter-rater agreement (static/interactive) to check the reliability of the data evaluation.
  6. Frequentist Analysis: Check the frequentist data analysis (static/interactive) to review the application of null-hypothesis significance tests as proposed by Femmer et al. [2].
  7. Bayesian Analysis: Check the Bayesian data analyses (static files in src/html named after the five response variables (e.g., duration.html or wrong-associations.html), interactive files in src/bayesian) to review the application of a Bayesian data analysis framework for statistical causal inference [3].


[1] Frattini, J., Montgomery, L., Fischbach, J., Mendez, D., Fucci, D., & Unterkalmsteiner, M. (2023). Requirements quality research: a harmonized theory, evaluation, and roadmap. Requirements Engineering, 1-14.

[2] Femmer, H., Kučera, J., & Vetrò, A. (2014, September). On the impact of passive voice requirements on domain modelling. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE international symposium on empirical software engineering and measurement (pp. 1-4).

[3] Siebert, J. (2023). Applications of statistical causal inference in software engineering. Information and Software Technology, 107198.


Copyright © 2023 Julian Frattini. This work (source code) is licensed under MIT License.