
A Spigot Plugin that loads groovy-script plugins.

Primary LanguageGroovy

SpigotGroovyScript (SpigotGS)

A Simplified way to create Spigot-Plugins

Getting started

Your first test project

Put the plugin into the plugins folder and reload the server. 2 folders will be created. In the plugins/SpigotGroovyScript/plugins folder you can create a folder that is named test with a config.json file in it. The config.json has to look like this:

    "name": "test",
    "main": "Test"

create a Test.groovy and start to code!

You can also type spigotgroovyscript create test into the console and a Plugin structure will be created.

Example command

addCommand("hello") {
    sender.sendMessage "Hello, "+sender.name

Example Event

onPlayerJoin {
    event.player.sendMessage "Hello, "+event.player.name

Inventory Example

def fluffyBed = createItem(Material.BED).setDisplayName("A fluffy bed!").build();

addCommand("testinventory") {
    if (sender instanceof Player) {
           Player player = (Player) sender;
           def inventory = createInventory(9, "Hallo")
           inventory.setItem(0, fluffyBed)

onInventoryClick {
    if (event.currentItem.equals(fluffyBed)) {
        event.whoClicked.sendMessage 'Amazing!'
    } else {
        event.whoClicked.sendMessage 'This is not a fluffy bed :('