
Under development open hardware microwave (500 MHz to 10 GHz) vector network analyzer

Primary LanguageKiCad

Open Hardware Vector Network Analyzer

I'm developing a proof of concept two port microwave vector network analyzer. The project is under developent. picture synth board


This project is still under development, y'all probably don't want to try reproducing it yet.

Run software/vna_controller/adc_bbone_init.py and software/vna_controller/pru_test/run.sh on the Beaglebone, then run software/vna_controller/vna_driver.py to start the VNA.

Hardware Design

picture of modules

I'm still at the stage of testing individual modules (demodulators, synthesizers, filter banks, amplifiers, switches..). See breakouts for various modules developed for the network analyzer.

Breakout boards are combined into modules..

Module Name Description Status
hardware/frequency_synth Frequency synthesizer with filtered harmonics and closed loop amplitude control appears to work!
hardware/demod_adc I/Q demodulator/adc assembled, testing in progress

picture synth board

All 4 layer PCBs are routed assuming OSH Park's 4 layer stackup (http://docs.oshpark.com/services/four-layer/) with FR-408 and 6.7 mil prepreg height. All layouts/schematics are created in KiCad 4

Software Design

See the software directory for scraps of software written for testing VNA modules. Possibly of interest to others is the code in synth_test.ino for using the LMX2592 synthesizer.


All work is under a MIT license.


Feel free to contact me at jtklein@alaska.edu or loxodes in #rhlug on irc.freenode.net