Electron Shopping List

This application was inspired by Traversy Media. All I did is adding localStorage support. Please watch the original video.

Installing is really simple. Just clone the repository to your system and run

npm i

To simply start the application once, you can run npm start

If you want the application installed for yourself, but dont want a full installer, you can run one of the following commands

npm run package-linux
npm run package-win
npm run package-mac

depending on your OS.

Want to share the application with your friends? Run

npm run build-installer

and a dir folder will appear, with the installer in it.

There are going to be some other files, which you can simply toss away. All you need is the installer and you are good to go!

You can also install the application without any of the above steps through the Releases page or clicking this to download the installer for version 1.0.0!