
Reads the state of AVM FRITZ!DECT 200 smart plugs and sends messages using Telegram.

You can run it by using the prebuild image:

docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 -v path/to/your/config.json:/bin/config.json

or by cloning this repo and running docker-compose up -d.


A config.json must contain the password of your Fritz box, the Telegram bot id and a chat id of that bot. Messages will be send there. Here's an example:

  "FritzPassword": "123",
  "TelegramBotId": "123456789:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789",
  "TelegramChatId": "123456789"

REST Endpoints


Returns a list of devices. Useful for getting the name of a smart plug.


    "name": "FRITZ!DECT 200 #1"

Returns power and energy of the given smart plug.


    "name": "FRITZ!DECT 200 #1",
    "timeToLive": "60",
    "interval": "5",
    "powerThreshold": "20000",
    "energyThreshold": "0",
    "message": "This will be displayed in Telegram"

Querries the smart plug every 5 seconds for 1 minute. If the power falls below 20000, a notification will be send using Telegram. The notification can be specified by using the optional message field.