With pyrelated you can search for related bibliography, persist and edit bibtex files and annotate them with custom taxonomy. You can
- merge and manage bibtex entries in custom file paths
- create awesome lists with yaml and bibtex and use pyrelated to manage it
- search through and categorize your local bibtex files
NOTE this project is currently under development
poetry add pyrelated
pip install pyrelated
- From bibtex
pyrelated import publications.bib
- From bibtex
pyrelated import -C project-abc publications.bib
- From yaml
pyrelated import backup.yaml
pyrelated export project-xyz publications.bib
pyrelated export project-xyz backup.yaml
Local DB
pyrelated context list
pyrelated context add project-xyz
pyrelated context delete projex-xyz
pyrelated stats
pyrelated search "Albert Einstein"
- outputs results from the default search and caches locallypyrelated search --arxiv "1904.08166"
- search arxiv with e.g. an arxiv identifierpyrelated search --semanticscholar "Alan M. Turing"
pyrelated search --scholarly "Albert Einstein"
pyrelated add "Albert Einstein"
- search for bibtex entries with scholarly and add to your managed database interactively
Configuration of pyrelated
pyrelated --db ./data
pyrelated config
Show local config keyspyrelated config cache /home/name/.cache/pyrelated/
Set another home cache folder for the current dir in .pyrelated
import pyrelated
dbproxy = pyrelated.DatabaseProxy("./data")
db_yaml = dbproxy.use("yaml")
db_bibtex = dbproxy.use("bibtex")
- Optional local config file for overwrites ./.pyrelated
- Default global config directory ~/.config/pyrelated/
- Default global config file name .pyrelated
- Default cache directory ~/.cache/pyrelated/
- Default proxy config file name pyrelated.toml