Ethereum Smart Contract tutorial 🐇


This Tutorial shows how to write, deploy and interact with a ethereum voting smart contract

Key Value
Source Code 🕳️ Pluralsight - Ivan Mushketyk
Tutorial Author Julian Wendland
$ETH Address 0xB345BD9ff34DeFf59526DF03B0A41d5E7C54bC72

1. Download and install MetaMask wallet

Download Wallet

2. Request Rinkeby testnetwork tokens for transaction fee

Rinkeby Faucet

3. open Remix - Ethereum Web IDE:

Remix Ethereum IDE

4. Create Solidity Smart Contract file VotingContract.sol in Remix IDE

pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

contract Voting {

    // struct to safe option positions and if the option exists
    struct OptionPos {
        uint pos;
        bool exists;

    uint[] public votes;
    string[] public options;
    mapping (address => bool) hasVoted;
    mapping (string => OptionPos) posOfOption;

    constructor (string[] _options) public {

        // create options from deployment input 
        options = _options;
        // set votes array length to available options
        votes.length = options.length;

        // fill posOfOption mapping to be able to voteByOptionName
        for (uint i = 0; i < options.length; i++){
            OptionPos memory optionPos = OptionPos(i, true);
            string optionName = options[i];
            posOfOption[optionName] = optionPos;


    // function to vote by option position and increase voting count
    function voteUsingOptionPosition(uint option) public {

        // Check allowed option value
        require(0 <= option && option < options.length,  "Invalid Operation" );
        // Check if an Account has already voted
        require(!hasVoted[msg.sender], "This Address has already voted");

        // increase vote for selected option
        votes[option] = votes[option] +1;
        // set hasVoted to yes
        hasVoted[msg.sender] = true;

    // function to vote by optionName 
    function voteByOptionName (string optionName) public {

        // Check if an Account has already voted
        require(!hasVoted[msg.sender], "This Address has already voted");

        // use mapping to get position of option by optionName
        // Note: using memory instead of storage = cheaper gas fee
        OptionPos memory optionPos = posOfOption[optionName];
        // check if option exists 
        require(optionPos.exists,"Option does not exist"); 

        // increase vote for selected option using optionPos struct
        votes[optionPos.pos] = votes[optionPos.pos] + 1;
        // set hasVoted to yes
        hasVoted[msg.sender] = true;


    // function to read available voting options
    function getVotingOptions() public view returns (string[]) {

        return options;

    // function to get voting counts
    function getVotes() public view returns (uint[]) {

        return votes; 


6. Deploy Voting Smart Contract to Ethereum Rinkeby testnetwork using ["Tea","Coffee"] for _options input variable


7. Interacting with the public smart contract functions voteByOptionName voteUsingOptionPosition

After deploying the smart contract we can call the function getVotes to see the initial result is 0,0. Next step is to call the function getVotingOptions to see ["Tea","Coffee"] is set. To vote for Coffee or Tea call the function voteByOptionName and choose between Tea or Coffee for optionName string parameter. Trying to call the function voteUsingOptionPosition from the same account leads to the expected errormessage "This Address has already voted" The last call of function getVotes shows as result 1,0 if you voted for Tea and 0,1 if you voted for Coffee.
