
Celebrate America's natural beauty in a Rails app [ruby, rails]


National Parks

Beginning with the first Tree Planting Campaign in 1963, At National Parks Board (NParks) has come a long way in greening up our island city, with 4 nature reserves and more than 300 parks sprawled across Singapore to date and still growing.

Let's create an app to showcase these wonderful parks.

Getting Started

  • Fork and clone this repository
  • Follow the recommended process for creating your Rails app.



  • A Park model that stores the following attributes. Choose the appropriate data types for each (string or text)
  • name
  • description
  • picture (for now, have this store a URL to a picture of a park)


  • A controller for your home page
  • A controller for your Park model

Routes and Views

route description controller action/view
GET / Your home page home index
GET /parks list all parks parks index
GET /parks/new show add park form parks new
POST /parks create park parks create (no view)
GET /parks/1 list park (id=1) parks show
GET /parks/2/edit show edit park form (id=2) parks edit
PUT /parks/3 update an existing park (id=3) parks update (no view)
DELETE /parks/3 delete an existing park (id=3) parks destroy (no view)

Remember: you can list all routes by running rails routes at the command line.

Recommended Process

Create basic app

  • Fork and clone this repo
  • cd into the directory
  • Create app rails new ./ -T -d postgresql
  • Create database rails db:create
  • Test app
  • Run server rails s

Build specific functionality

  • Create model rails g model ... (you write the rest of this command)
  • Migrate rails db:migrate
  • Test models
  • run console rails c
  • Try some stuff...
    • Park.all
    • Park.create
    • Park.new
    • Park.find
  • Create functionality
  • Add routes to routes.rb. Use resources to create a set of RESTful CRUD routes
  • Add controllers, actions, and views where appropriate
  • Add functionality for each controller action
  • Test as needed



  1. All content is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact legal@ga.co.