
  • python 3.
  • pipenv installed how to install.
  • to run with real MlaaS providers, you should provide valid credentials to each used provider:
    • create a file following the structure of
    • fill the credentials to Amazon, Microsoft and Google providers.

Running the experiment locally (without Google Colab)

  1. activate the environmentment: pipenv shell.
  2. install dependencies: pipenv sync. The process may take several minutes.
  3. with the environmentment activated, run the notebook:
    1. jupyter-lab with command jupyter-lab.
    2. open the file notebook_experiment.ipynb.
    3. follow notebook's instructions.

Running the experiment on Google Colab

  1. Open:
  2. Follow notebook's instructions.


  • you don't need to download the glove.twitter word embedding model if you remove the noise algorithm WordEmbeddings from noise_list variable in both experiments.
  • by default, the MLaaS providers are mocked with random predictions, so you can easily try the algorithm, but in a real use you should register an account in each one and fill the file.
  • in both experiments, in case of error (eg. network error) is possible to continue from a previously running experiment by filling the Continue from text area in the notebook with a /outputs folder.
  • is possible to manipulate the progress.json file in order to re-run some task of the experiment.