
This interactive application allows the user to track and view their budget stats, including credits and debits, even if they are offline. When an internet connection is not available, the user can still enter transactions that will appear in the application. Once they come back online, the applications will save to the database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Budget Tracker

Table of Contents:

1. Description of Project
2. Technologies Used
3. Installation Directions
4. How to Use the Project
5. Contributing
6. Questions or Comments
7. License
8. Screenshots of Project

This interactive application allows the user to track and view their budget stats, including credits and debits, even if they are offline. When an internet connection is not available, the user can still enter transactions that will appear in the application. Once they come back online, the applications will save to the database. This project was a homework project through the University of Kansas Full Stack Boot Camp. This application is great on the go who need to keep track of their expenses. It would be especially useful for a businessperson who travels a lot and is not able to have online Internet access all the time. I learned a lot about indexedDataBases through this project. I also continue to hone my Heroku and Mongo skills. This project features a graph showing debits and credits that contribute to the user's overall budget. It also works whether you have an internet connection or not, storing pending transactions until the user goes back online and then updating the database. This project has been added to my professional portfolio, the link can be found here:

Julie Schaub Professional Portfolio

The link to the deployed app can be found here:

Budget Tracker Deployed Heroku Application

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Technologies Used

This project incoporates the following tecnologies:

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To use the project the user can access the application through Heroku, which requires no installation steps. To run from command line the user will need to install the necessary dependencies and run node server from terminal.

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How to Use the Project

To use the project enter the name of a transaction and the amount, then click the appropriate button to add funds or subtract funds.

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Contributing to the Project

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

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For Questions or Comments

Please contact me at github.com/JulieAnn2330 or julie.schaub@midtownfullstack.com for questions or comments.

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This project incorporates the following license: MIT

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budget atlas